Police launch murder investigation after bodies of man and woman found in house

A forensic van parked outside the house as police launch murder inquiry
-Credit: (Image: BirminghamLive)

A murder investigation has been launched after the bodies of a woman, thought to be from Wales and a man were found inside a property in Staffordshire.

Formal identification is still due to take place, but police believe both of their identities to be 22-year-old Lauren Evans, from Bridgend, and 24-year-old Daniel Duffield, from Cannock, Staffordshire, reports Wales Online.

Staffordshire Police Officers were called by West Midlands Ambulance staff after a man and a woman were found dead at an address on Alpine Drive in Hednesford, Cannock, at around 12.30pm on Tuesday (June 25).

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A spokesperson for the force said their families have been notified and were being supported by a team of specially trained officers. They also asked the public not to speculate about what happened, but anyone with information is urged to contact police as soon as possible.

Officers have not confirmed whether or not they are looking for anyone else in connection with the deaths. The force has referred the incident to the Independent Office for Police Conduct (IOPC) due to recent police contact.

A number of officers were still in the area on Wednesday carrying out enquiries to understand more about what happened. Detective Superintendent Nicki Addison, from the force's major investigations department, said: “My thoughts are very much with the families at this time.

“I know this news has understandably shaken the local community. I’d like to reassure everyone that we’ve got a specialist team of officers working extensive hours to fully investigate what happened and support the families of those affected.

“We completely understand that lots of people want to know more about what happened, but we’d like to reiterate that speculation isn’t helpful to families at this distressing time. I would like to thank everyone who has already come forward with information and ask that people continue to get in touch if they’ve got any information that can help us.”

Police have created an online portal where people can leave information that may help the investigation. You can access the major incident public portal, here.

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