Police get new power to arrest persistent beggar in Gloucester

Sonya Kirby breached the conditions of an injunction aimed at stopping her from begging in Gloucester
-Credit: (Image: Gloucestershire Police)

Police have been given the power to arrest a persistent beggar in Gloucester who breached the conditions of an injunction aimed at preventing anti-social behaviour. Sonya Kirby, 44, had previously been given an Anti-Social Behaviour Injunction after police received numerous reports of her loitering in the doorways of local businesses and begging for money from members of the public.

The case was brought by Solace, a joint team of officers from Gloucestershire Constabulary, Cheltenham Borough Council and Gloucester City Council. Following a number of condition breaches, the injunction had a power of arrest added on June 4.

If Kirby, of no fixed address, breaches the conditions of her injunction again, police officer in Gloucester are able to arrest her. The ASB Injunction will remain in place until November 1, 2024 and Gloucestershire Police ask anyone who sees her breaking the following conditions to call the force on 101.

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Kirby is prohibited from:

  • Engaging in conduct that causes or is capable of causing alarm or harassment or distress to any person within the city of Gloucester

  • Begging at any time within the city of Gloucester

  • Obstructing or partially obstructing the highway by sitting, standing or squatting on the footpath or street, or public highway within the city of Gloucester, with any receptacle for collecting money or with her arm/hand outstretched

  • Entering the area outlined blue on a map at any time save for attending a pre-arranged appointment in writing with the Nelson Trust