Police raid catches cocaine dealers charging their drug phone

Police custody photographs of  Ryan Dix, Liam Gwyther, and Alexander Smirnov
(Left to right) Crack cocaine dealers Ryan Dix, Liam Gwyther, and Alexander Smirnov -Credit:Dyfed-Powys Police

Cocaine dealers were charging their drug supply phone in the kitchen of the house they shared when police raided the property, a court has heard. Officers also found an Emporio Armani-brand shoulder bag containing ready-to-sell street deals of the Class A drug.

Swansea Crown Court heard one of the defendants has a three-month-old baby and will now miss the early years of the infant's life because of the custodial sentence he received. A judge rhetorically asked the dad how he would feel if, in years to come, drug dealers were to prey on his child.

The court heard police executed a search warrant at a property in Walters Road in Llanelli in March 2022 and found Ryan Dix, Liam Gwyther, and Alexander Smirnov in the kitchen. Also in the kitchen was a Nokia burner phone which was plugged in and charging, a set of weighing scales, and a Tupperware food box containing cannabis. The court heard Smirnov was wearing an Emporio Armani shoulder bag and when officers searched it they found it contained almost £1,200 worth of crack cocaine in individual street deals. Smirnov was also found to be carrying £358 in cash while Dix had £255.

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The court heard police seized phones from each defendant and a download of the messages showed the trio were involved in supplying crack – in the case of Gwyther for the previous eight months, in the case of Dix for the previous five months, and in the case of Smirnov for the previous month. The burner phone charging in the kitchen turned out to be the "drugs line" phone the trio was using to conduct their business. The court heard in terms of a hierarchy of the operation Dix "perhaps just edged" Gwyther to be at the top with Smirnov largely acting under their direction. The court heard details of one text exchange in which Dix asked Smirnov whether he had turned on the drugs line phone yet. When Smirnov said he had not, Dix replied: "Get on. Get up. Turn the phone on and let's motherf****** go". In other messages Smirnov was boasting about how much money he was making.

In their interviews Dix answered "no comment" to all questions asked, Gwyther gave a prepared statement in which he denied all knowledge of drugs in the property and said he had been "in the wrong place and at the wrong time", and Smirnov also gave a prepared statement in which denied the cocaine in Emporio Armani bag was his and said he was shocked it was in there. After being interviewed all three defendants were released under investigation, and were subsequently charged via letter – a process known as postal requisition – in September last year.

Ryan Dix, aged 28, of Coleshill Terrace, Llanelli, and 22-year-old Liam Gwyther, of Graig Avenue, Llanelli, had both previously pleaded guilty to possession of crack cocaine with intent to supply and to being concerned in the supply of crack cocaine when they appeared in the dock for sentencing. Alexander Smirnov, aged 22, of The Avenue, Mountain Ash, had previously been convicted at trial of the same offences when he appeared alongside his co-defendants. Dix has 28 previous convictions for 47 offences including robbery, attempting to pervert the course of justice, thefts, assault occasioning actual bodily harm, and the simple possession of cocaine and cannabis. Gwyther has no previous convictions and Smirnov has one previous conviction for a public disorder matter.

James Hartson, for Dix, said the defendant "had a raft of autism spectrum traits" and at the time of the offending had been struggling with a drug addiction. He said his client was a "dedicated father and husband" whose third child was just three months old and he said the fact Dix was facing a substantial custodial sentence and would therefore be separated from his newborn baby and wife was not lost on him. The barrister added that the delay in the case was "unacceptable", particularly as all three defendants ad given police the pins to their phones.

Ian Ibrahim, for Gwyther, said the defendant was paid in cannabis for his involvement in the dealing operation and said at the time of the offences was consuming around 2g of the drug a day, which he was using to self-medicate his anxiety and depression following family bereavements. The barrister said his client was now free from cannabis and had a job as a tyre fitter. Matt Murphy, for Smirnov, said there was no evidence that the defendant had been living a lavish lifestyle as a result of his offending and said his client's family – who live in Lincolnshire – remain supportive of him.

Recorder Caroline Rees KC said the three defendants were in different positions due to their roles in the dealing operation, their antecedent records, and their personal circumstances and mitigation. However she noted the fact two of them were fathers had been put forward on their behalf and she asked Dix and Gwyther rhetorically how they would feel in years to come if drug dealers were preying on their children. With a one-quarter discount for their guilty pleas Dix was sentenced to 42 months in prison and Gwyther to 36 months. Smirnov, who was convicted and therefore did not receive any discount for a plea, was sentenced to 44 months in prison. The defendants will each serve up to half their sentences in custody before being released on licence to serve the remainder in the community.

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