Police reveal when you will see more officers out in trouble-hit streets in Nuneaton and Bedworth

Police say more officers will soon be seen in trouble-hit streets in Nuneaton and Bedworth. As of next month, new targeted patrols will take place in areas identified as Anti-Social Behaviour hotspots.

It forms part of Operation Resolve, a £1m county-wide sting that will focus on 18 ASB hotspot areas across the county. Police chiefs say the patrols will take place in areas where there is most trouble.

While locations of these 18 hotspots have not been revealed, Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Neighbourhood Team are gearing up for the start of the new patrols locally. Using intelligence, they say that they will take place in the areas hardest hit, at the time when the issues occur most.

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Inspector Ryan Walker of Nuneaton and Bedworth Safer Neighbourhood Team said: “We’ve been taking a zero-tolerance enforcement approach to antisocial behaviour in Nuneaton and Bedworth and are pleased to say we have already seen a consistent reduction in reports since last year.

"Utilising this new stream of intelligence about where and when ASB is taking place will help us to take a targeted approach and sustain the good work from our officers so far."

Chief Superintendent for Local Policing Jill Fowler added: "Dedicated hotspot patrols have shown their effectiveness in reducing criminal and anti-social behaviour across the country, and we would welcome any extra resource that will allow us to make use of models we know work.

“Although the definition of anti-social behaviour, is broad and captures a wide range of behaviours, it has a very defined and measurable negative effect on our communities, particularly when it crosses over into more serious criminal activity.

“Preventing anti-social behaviour before it happens and having the resources to target it where we know it’s happening is a crucial part of keeping our communities safe. This additional funding will enable us to provide dedicated resources to tackle such behaviour in areas of the county where our communities are most affected.”

The new patrols are set to start in May.

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