Popular leisure centre will not reopen in time for summer holidays

Harrow Leisure Centre. The swimming pool and sauna will now be closed for the duration of the summer holidays. Image Credit: Harrow Council. Permission to use with all LDRS partners
Harrow Leisure Centre. The swimming pool and sauna will now be closed for the duration of the summer holidays. Image Credit: Harrow Council. Permission to use with all LDRS partners

There are growing concerns after it was revealed a popular swimming pool will not be able to reopen in time for the summer holidays.

Harrow Leisure Centre was forced to close its swimming pool and sauna back in March after inspectors raised concerns about corrosion to ceiling fixings. The council hoped repair work would be completed in time for summer but will now remain closed for the duration of the holidays.

Harrow Swimming Club treasurer Zak Andrawos called the new "extremely disappointing" and emphasised the impact on the club’s members and the wider community.

Speaking to the Local Democracy Reporting Service (LDRS), Mr Andrawos said: “The prolonged closure of Harrow Leisure Centre has created significant inconvenience and disruption for our community. The lack of urgency in addressing the repair work is disheartening, and it feels like the needs of the residents are not being prioritised.”

He added: “For our club, this means we will not be able to resume our Learn to Swim classes or our regular training sessions, which affects over 600 swimmers who rely on these facilities for their fitness, skill development, and social interaction.

"The disruption has caused logistical challenges for families and has impacted the physical and mental well-being of our members, especially the children."

He added there were "severe" financial implications for the club, which had to refund fees for cancelled lessons and is losing revenue until programs restart, as well as doubts over coaching staff's employment.

While the facilities remain closed, memberships are being accepted at other Everyone Active venues, including Hatch End Swimming Pool, Northolt Leisure Centre, South Oxhey Leisure Centre and Vale Farm Sports Centre.

A statement released by Harrow Council said: “We had hoped to have carried out repairs and reopen in time for the holidays, but unfortunately the pool and sauna will have to remain closed throughout the summer holidays. We know that this will be a huge disappointment as many people will have looked forward to their casual swims or summer classes.”

It adds: “We have carried out further assessments to identify what repairs need to be done. We anticipate the work will be completed by late September, and we will work with our partners and contractors to try and finish the repairs sooner if possible.”