Power cut U-turn after pressure from angry Wiltshire retailers

David Wyatt, who led the campaign by retailers in Silver Street in Trowbridge to get the power installation postponed to a more convenient time and day. <i>(Image: Trevor Porter)</i>
David Wyatt, who led the campaign by retailers in Silver Street in Trowbridge to get the power installation postponed to a more convenient time and day. (Image: Trevor Porter)

A campaign by a group of Trowbridge retailers has ended in a power giant performing a U-turn on plans to cut off their electricity for a whole day.

As previously reported Scottish & Southern Electricity Networks (SSEN) wanted to cut power to around ten shops in Silver Street for up to nine hours on Tuesday, July 9.

David Wyatt, who led the campaign by retailers in Silver Street in Trowbridge to get the power installation postponed to a more convenient time and day. Trevor Porter 77174-2 (Image: Trevor Porter)

The company has backed down following pressure from the retailers who feared loss of trade because their power would be cut for a whole day.

The power cut is needed to enable the company to reconnect Trowbridge Town Hall which is undergoing a £8.15 million refurbishment and redevelopment programme.

The letter cancelling the planned power cut in Silver Street in Trowbridge on July 9.  (Image: Trevor Porter)

Dave Wyatt, of DW Money Services in Silver Street, was delighted SSEN has changed its plans.

“I’m happy about that. It means that we don’t have to pay people for nothing,” he said.

In a letter, SSEN said: “We are no longer going to turn your power off and we’re sorry for the change. We will let you know if we are going to plan this for another time.”

Mr Wyatt said he has been told that SSEN now plans to do the work overnight and will take less time than previously estimated to complete the reconnection.

SSEN has been contacted for a comment.