Primary school children delighted with new outdoor classroom

Hempsted C of E Primary School pupils looking happy in their new outdoor classroom that the housebuilder Bellway has donated toward
-Credit: (Image: Bellway)

Gloucester primary school children will be enjoying using their new outdoor classroom this summer after lots of hard work has been done to have the the timber structure built. As well as the area being a place for outdoor learning, it will also act as a calm space for children who find themselves getting overwhelmed.

Hempsted C of E Primary School in St Swithuns Road, in Gloucester had raised most of the cash to have the outdoor classroom built. However they were just £500 away from getting the ball rolling and the builders in to begin the project.

The Friends of Hempsted School had been fundraising to finance the build but were short of the overall target until Bellway stepped in with the final £500 required. So Bellway, which is planning to build 185 new homes at Hawthorn Park, off Hempsted Lane, made the contribution to help Hempsted C of E Primary School in nearby St Swithuns Road, reach its £10,000 total.

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School headteacher Richard Waller said: “We are grateful to Bellway for their donation of £500 which allowed us to reach the target funding needed to finance the building of the shelter.

“The shelter is fantastic and will have a multitude of uses including an outdoor classroom, and importantly as a quiet space for children who find the noise of the playground just too much. Our PTA, The Friends of Hempsted School, can now focus their future fundraising on furnishing the space, perhaps with cushions and storage for books.

“We are very much looking forward to making full use of this excellent new facility which will enrich the lives of children in the school.”

The large timber-framed structure, which was completed in late March, has benches inside and can comfortably seat at least 30 children.

Simon Hughes, Development Manager at Bellway, said: “When the school got in touch and told us about their plans for a new outdoor shelter we were more than happy to help out. They told us they were short of the target so we are pleased that our £500 donation helped them hit the total they needed.

“At Bellway it is part of our ethos to support the communities in which we build new homes and making this contribution to the local school, which is less than half a mile from our forthcoming development at Hawthorn Park, is testament to that commitment.

“It is wonderful to learn that this shelter will prove a valuable new facility as not only a new classroom, but also a place where quieter children can find a calm corner and perhaps read a book.”