Prince George heading to Marlborough? If so, he could be taught by his mother’s old Latin teacher

Prince George cheering at Wimbledon - Prince George may go to Marlborough and could be taught by his mother’s old Latin teacher
Could Prince George be going to Marlborough? He along with the Prince and Princess of Wales have visited the Wiltshire school - Wiremage /Karwai Tang

Prince George may be going to his mother’s alma mater Marlborough College, where her former Latin teacher is now the head.

The second in line to the throne visited the secondary school earlier this month with the Prince and Princess of Wales.

The visit, first reported by The Mail on Sunday, has fueled speculation that the 10 year old prince will join the £47,000-a-year co-educational school where his mother was educated, rather than going to his father’s old school, Eton College.

If Marlborough College in Wiltshire is selected, then it is likely that Prince George would be a pupil under the school’s first female “master”. Louise Moelwyn-Hughes, 53, a Latin and classics teacher who taught the Princess when she was studying for her GCSEs, has led the school since 2018.

The Princess is believed to be a supporter of co-education because she did not enjoy being a pupil at Downe House, a girls’ boarding school in Berkshire. She was allegedly bullied at the school and moved to Marlborough in the middle of the academic year.

A co-educational school would allow all three children to stay together. Prince George along with Princess Charlotte, eight, and Prince Louis, five, currently attend Lambrook, a co-educational day prep school which prioritises happiness, kindness and “concern about the world in which they live”. The school educates children up to the age of 13, which means they will need to find a new school for the Prince in the next two years.

Prince George is also said to have toured Eton College over the summer, the boys’ boarding school in Windsor where his father and Prince Harry were educated.

Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis have attended Lambrook together since the family relocated to Windsor last year
Prince George, Princess Charlotte and Prince Louis have attended Lambrook together since the family relocated to Windsor last year - PA/Jonathan Brady

King Charles, his grandfather, was a pupil at Gordonstoun, a boarding school in Moray, Scotland.

Melanie Sanderson, managing editor of The Good Schools Guide, told The Telegraph: “The thing that will appeal to the family most about Marlborough is the fact that all the children will be able to stay together.

“We know that they made a very conscious decision to do that when they chose Lambrook.”

Marlborough was founded in 1843 for the sons of Church of England clergy and now educates more than 1,000 pupils between the ages of 13 and 18.

Ms Moelwyn-Hughes, the school’s master, grew up on a council estate in Northern Ireland and has said that she only set foot “on the mainland” for the first time when she went to Cambridge University for her interview.

She joined Marlborough as a classics teacher after graduating from university and later held leadership positions at The Perse School, Cambridge and St Edmund’s School, Canterbury, before returning to the school which she now leads.

Alumnae of Marlborough include Princess Eugenie and Lady Cameron.

‘It would appeal to some families’

Selection for 13+ entry is based on a reference from a child’s current school, interview and Independent Schools Examinations Board (ISEB) pre-test results. However, it is not clear whether Prince George would face the same entrance process as other pupils.

In October, the Princess revealed during a visit to a community centre in Cardiff that she has been helping Prince George prepare for upcoming exams. She told pupils preparing for their Maths A-level: “I’ve been helping George prepare for his exams coming up, so I know how hard maths can be.

“George is just at the beginning of being tested. He says: ‘Mummy, I keep getting tested all the time.’”

The prospect of Prince George attending Marlborough is expected to lead to a rise in demand from parents. “It would certainly appeal to some families who might want their children rubbing shoulders with royals,” Ms Sanderson said. However, she said that other parents might find it “off-putting”. “Who wants paparazzi and security detail and all the fuss around their child’s school? At Lambrook there were mutterings that things will change, that the carol service will have to become really grand, when it’s a small, family low-key school.”

Ms Sanderson said it was too early to be sure of the Royal family’s choice of secondary school for George. “It’s really early stages,” she said. “When they looked at prep schools they looked at four or five schools that we know of. This is a process that is started a long way in advance. Marlborough is clearly on the list. It is too early to speculate that they are jumping aboard the ship. They’ve got another year until places are offered.”

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