Prince William's hilarious balcony antics during unearthed Trooping the Colour moment

-Credit: (Image: Anwar Hussein/WireImage)
-Credit: (Image: Anwar Hussein/WireImage)

Prince William has been standing on the iconic Buckingham Palace balcony with crowds of people cheering and clapping below him at the annual Trooping the Colour ceremony since he was four-years-old.

On a warm summer's day back in 1987, young William stood with his family and close cousins as he watched the exhilarating flypast zoom directly above his head and it seems he used to be as cheeky as his youngest son Prince Louis back in the day.

The playful prince was spotted excitedly pretending to fire a slingshot at the crowds and pulling hilarious faces before receiving a stern telling off from his aunt, Princess Anne.

Once the late Queen returned from Horse Guards Parade in Whitehall, the Royal Family assembled on the balcony to watch several planes, helicopters and jets soar across London's skies.

The now Prince of Wales was nestled between his cousins, Peter Phillips and Zara Tindall, and stood in front of his aunt, Princess Anne, OK! reports.

Prince William
Prince William was seen pulling hilarious faces on the Buckingham Palace balcony during Trooping the Colour when he was a young boy -Credit:No credit

The young prince did not appear to be particularly impressed to be at the event as he rested his head in his hands and leant on the balcony.

However, as the anticipation for the flypast escalated, so did the young royal's excitement, much like his son Prince Louis' reactions to the planes in recent years.

Young William quickly began to raise his arm in the air and pretended to throw things into the crowds.

After a shared glance and cheeky grin between the Princess Royal and her over excited nephew, he continued on with his antics before being told to stop when she leaned down and whispered something in his ear.

While the exact words remain a mystery, they clearly had an impact as the young prince smartly stood to attention and saluted.

However, it was Prince William's cheeky behaviour that captured everyone's attention, as he playfully mimicked using a slingshot towards the crowd, much to the amusement of his cousins and onlookers.

Prince William
William received a stern telling off from his aunt, Princess Anne -Credit:No credit

The future RAF pilot didn't just stop there; he also delighted the crowd and his relatives by pretending to fire a machine gun.

Years later, when Prince William was 34, he found himself being playfully scolded by the Queen once again.

During a 2016 event, while showing aircraft to Prince George, the Queen gave him a gentle tap and firmly told him, "William, stand up! ".

Trooping The Colour is a historic military celebration marking the monarch's official birthday for over 260 years with this year's event set to take place on Saturday, 15 June.

This year's parade will be King Charles' second since ascending the throne and will feature more than 1,400 soldiers, 200 horses, and 400 musicians.

There's been speculation about whether Kate Middleton might attend following her cancer treatment, with Jennie Bond, the BBC's former Royal correspondent, telling OK! magazine that it 'won't happen'.

After the parade, the King and members of the Royal Family will return along the Mall to Buckingham Palace, where they will appear on the balcony to watch an RAF flypast and enjoy the Red Arrows' breathtaking display in red, white, and blue.

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