Private school condemns 'racist slurs' allegedly used against child on bus

Abingdon School science centre <i>(Image: Abingdon School)</i>
Abingdon School science centre (Image: Abingdon School)

An independent school dating back to the 13th century has spoken out after allegations a student was racially-abused on a bus.

The parent of a student at Abingdon School, who did not wish to be named, contacted the Oxford Mail to raise concerns - claiming that their child had heard racist language used on a school bus.

The parent said his child heard "one of the junior boys repeatedly called or addressed with the N-word while on the bus".

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The man said he thought the behaviour was "racist" and "disgraceful".

An Abingdon School spokesperson confirmed the matter had not been raised with their staff.

Head of Abingdon School Mike Windsor said: "Abingdon School takes the safeguarding of all young people, and any allegations of this nature, very seriously – both on site and beyond the school gates, on and offline.

"We encourage all those in our community to report any such incidents and provide numerous channels so that they can do so.

"In this instance, we have not received any such report.

"We will be reiterating to our students our expectations of behaviour and reminding them that we do not tolerate any such conduct."

Mr Windsor confirmed that the school had a "robust system of supervision in place".

He said this included a trained group of senior students who regularly meet with the deputy head (Pastoral) and help oversee behaviour on school buses.

It comes as Abingdon School, the 20th oldest private British school, has announced it will begin admitting girls.

The school announced the news earlier this month that its prep school will admit girls as early as this September before the senior school makes the change in 2026.