You probably didn't spot this Star Wars Rebels cameo in Ahsoka episode 4

 Hera and Ahsoka
Hera and Ahsoka

Warning: The following contains spoilers for Ahsoka episode 4! Turn back now if you're not up to date! 

Ahsoka episode 4 brings back Anakin Skywalker in a huge moment – but it also features a second, far more hidden cameo.

If you look closely at Hera Syndulla's ship the Ghost, a familiar Star Wars Rebels face can be spotted in the cockpit. A picture of Kanan Jarrus, her lost love and her son Jacen Syndulla's father, is on display. It's pretty hard to see, so it's impossible to make out if there's a live-action actor standing in for Kanan or if it's a still from Rebels, but it is very much the fallen Jedi (H/T Gizmodo).

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Kanan has so far been referenced before already in Ahsoka thanks to a heart-breaking detail in Jacen's clothing, but no one has said his name out loud just yet. For the uninitiated, Kanan sacrificed his life in Rebels season 4, holding back a fiery explosion to let his friends escape – but the flames ultimately engulfed him.

That wasn't the only tearjerker animated callback in the episode, either, with a crushing Clone Wars parallel incorporated into Anakin and Ahsoka's long-awaited reunion.

Ahsoka episode 5 is getting a limited theatrical release – the first time this has happened for a Star Wars show – and is also directed by Dave Filoni, so we can probably expect huge things when it arrives next week.

For much more on the Disney Plus show, check out our deep dives on: