Probe into death of man following horror attack at Glasgow hotel

Probe into death of man following horror attack at Glasgow hotel <i>(Image: Newsquest)</i>
Probe into death of man following horror attack at Glasgow hotel (Image: Newsquest)

A probe will be held following the death of a man who stabbed and injured six people at a Glasgow hotel.

We previously reported how Badreddin Abdalla Adam Bosh attacked and hurt three asylum seekers, two hotel workers and a police officer at the city's Park Inn hotel in June 2020.

The police force shot and killed Bosh, who was an asylum seeker, in the midst of the attack.

READ MORE: Killing attacker in Glasgow hotel stabbings deemed 'absolutely necessary'

(Image: Newsquest)

Now following the incident four years ago, a decision has been made to hold a Fatal Incident Inquiry (FAI) following the 28-year-old Sudanese man's death.

The Crown Office & Procurator Fiscal (COPFS), said the Lord Advocate has decided that it is in the public interest to hold an FAI to examine the full circumstances surrounding the tragic incident.

The decision follows a thorough and independent investigation by the Procurator Fiscal into the wider circumstances leading to the death of Bosh.

Kenny Donnelly, Deputy Crown Agent for COPFS, said: “The Lord Advocate has decided that a discretionary FAI should be held into the circumstances of the death of Badreddin Adam to ensure that there can be a full public hearing of the facts of the case.

“The Procurator Fiscal will continue with work in preparation for the inquiry and there are steps which must be taken before the Inquiry can commence in court.

“Mr Bosh’s family will continue to be kept informed of progress.”