Proposals to use school playing field for development

The school playing field could form part of the development scheme <i>(Image: Brighton and Hove City Council)</i>
The school playing field could form part of the development scheme (Image: Brighton and Hove City Council)

More than 200 council homes and a new community hub could be built in a neighbourhood.

Brighton and Hove City Council is asking residents to share their views on using the school playing field off Hodshrove Lane as part of its proposed plans to regenerate parts of Moulsecoomb.

The aim is to improve facilities for people living in the area.

The council states the current plans are to construct a community building and new homes on land that is currently in use by Moulsecoomb north and south hubs, the 67 Centre and the surrounding area.

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The council also proposes for services to be included inside the hub such as a GP Surgery, Moulsecoomb Library, a youth centre, adult learning facilities and a community café.

As reported in The Argus, the site could also have a skate park and a 7-a-side 3G football pitch, as well as other sports facilities.

However, the council said that in order to include the school playing field near Hodshrove Lane in the plans, which will allow more space for development, it will need to submit an application to the Department for Education.

If the application is approved, the school playing field will be used to house sports facilities for community use.

As part of this application process, the council want to gather public views on the proposed change of use.

People can do this on

The survey is open until July 21.

The council is also holding a drop-in session to get residents’ views between 3pm and 6.30pm on July 8 at the Moulsecoomb Community Leisure Centre in Moulsecoomb Way, Brighton.

In 2020, the regeneration project was started after a series of sessions held with residents.

More than 200 people attended the sessions and gave feedback on what they would like to see and any potential concerns.

Views were given on the facilities and activities residents would like to see in the hub, the type of housing, transport and the public realm.

Planning permission to use all the land except the school playing field has already been approved.