Psychiatrist shares 11 ADHD questions for women who think they may require diagnosis

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A health expert has formulated a set of questions targeted at women who believe they may be suffering from ADHD.

Having gained experience in various fields including general adult psychiatry, substance misuse, forensic mental health, older adults, and autism plus ADHD, Dr Ali Ajaz, a consultant psychiatrist operating his own private practice in Canary Wharf in London, proposed these ADHD-related queries in a recent TikTok video for those considering seeking a diagnosis.

Kicking off his video, he contends: "The current ADHD diagnostic criteria is biased against women in general. So take this female-focused ADHD quiz if you think you might have ADHD."

Detailing the logistics of the quiz, Dr Ajaz stated it includes eleven questions which participants should score on a scale from one to five - one signifying 'very rarely' and five equating to 'very often', reports Wales Online. He assured viewers: "I'll tell you what your score means at the end."

Dr Ali Ajaz's ADHD Quiz for females

  1. Are you clueless to how others manage to lead consistent, regular lives?

  2. Do you have trouble controlling what you spend your money on?

  3. A request for one more thing, just one more thing at the end of the day is emotionally triggering?

  4. Do you feel like you are passing for a normal person, but really feel like an imposter inside?

  5. Do you feel you have better ideas than others, but are just unable to organise them enough or act upon them?

  6. Have you ever been thought of as selfish because you don’t write thank you notes or send birthday cards?

  7. Do you feel like you are always on the go like a tornado or just slobbing around like a couch potato, but never in between?

  8. Do you think twice about having people over to your home because you’re ashamed of the mess?

  9. Do your friends or family call you a slob, or just simply very spacey?

  10. Is all your time taken up just holding your life together with time for fun or relaxation?

  11. Do you often display that you’ll never fulfil your potential or achieve your life goals or ambitions?

He concluded: "If you scored over 35, it's possible that you might have ADHD. I would suggest speaking to your doctor about a specialist referral."

According to NHS reports, males are often diagnosed with ADHD during their younger years, whereas undiagnosed women typically don't receive confirmation until later in life. Berkshire Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust has highlighted that modern research indicates ADHD is not gender-biased, despite its initial definition being based on observations of young boys. While studies suggest males are more frequently diagnosed with ADHD, women experience the same variety, number, and intensity of symptoms as their male counterparts.

Experts have noted that women are more likely to exhibit inattentive symptoms rather than hyperactive or impulsive symptoms, which are commonly observed in men and boys. Inattentive ADHD can lead to difficulties with concentration, organisation, and memory.

However, it's crucial to remember that only a trained clinician can accurately diagnose ADHD.

So, what exactly is ADHD?

The NHS defines attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) as a condition that impacts an individual's behaviour. Those with ADHD may appear restless, struggle with concentration, and act impulsively.

ADHD symptoms usually become apparent at a young age and may become more noticeable when a child's circumstances change, such as starting school. Most cases are diagnosed when children are under 12 years old, but sometimes the diagnosis comes later in childhood.

What are the symptoms of inattentive ADHD?

The NHS lists the primary signs of inattentiveness as:

  • having a short attention span and being easily distracted

  • making careless mistakes – for example, in schoolwork

  • appearing forgetful or losing things

  • being unable to stick to tasks that are tedious or time-consuming

  • appearing to be unable to listen to or carry out instructions

  • constantly changing activity or task

  • having difficulty organising tasks

Symptoms of hyperactivity and impulsiveness ADHD

The main signs of hyperactivity and impulsiveness are:

  • being unable to sit still, especially in calm or quiet surroundings

  • constantly fidgeting

  • being unable to concentrate on tasks

  • excessive physical movement

  • excessive talking

  • being unable to wait their turn

  • acting without thinking

  • interrupting conversations

  • little or no sense of danger