Pub car park thug beat a man so hard he fractured his jaw for 'no obvious reason'

Gavin Buckland has been jailed
-Credit: (Image: Warwickshire Police)

Police say a thug punched a man so hard he broke his jaw for 'no obvious reason'. Gavin Buckland launched the attack on the car park of a pub in Smorral Lane in Bedworth.

The 39-year-old hit his victim, who has not been named but is aged in his 30s, so hard that he fractured his jaw on both sides and one of his eardrums had been perforated.

Police say that three women were having an altercation on the car park. Buckland, of Hospital Lane in Bedworth, was with two of the women, and the third was there with the victim.

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The man in his 30s attempted to split up the altercation, at which point he was headbutted and punched a number of times by Buckland.

Despite having CCTV evidence of the attack, when arrested and interviewed, Buckland answered no comment to every question.

On May 23, Buckland was sentenced at Warwick Crown Court to two and a half years in prison for inflicting grievous bodily harm, as well as a victims’ surcharge of £228. He was also given a restraining order preventing him from contacting the victim directly or indirectly for the next ten years.

'Stupid way to end an evening'

In a statement issued after the court case, PC Boyle from the Bedworth Patrol team, said: "Buckland beat a man hard enough to fracture his jaw for reasons that are not readily obvious.

“Having a punch-up in a pub car park is a stupid way to end an evening, and Buckland has got two and a half years in prison to consider whether it was worth it.”

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