Pupils at Dumfries and Galloway school in tears after being told they're being split up next term

Penpont pupils arrived home “in tears” after being told they were being split up for next term.

According to parents who contacted the Standard, the P5 class is to be broken up.

Some children – all boys – will stay in their old classroom for P6 where they will be joined by younger age groups.

The remainder – mainly girls – will get a new teacher and classroom when they move up to a composite P6/7 class after the holidays.

One dad, Roddy Clarke, said the children were given news of the split first – before parents got any warning of the move.

Mr Clarke told the Standard: “We were just concerned that pupils came home in tears at being told first.

“It caused concern and anxiety for parents and could have a lasting impact on a family.

“I’m not angry or cross – just frustrated.

“I’ve heard of some families talking about moving to other schools which is sad if they do.

“It is a good school and everybody loves the way it is run.

“The teachers are caring but this decision has left a lot of us baffled.

“They are playing it very close to their chest and there’s not long to go until the school closes for the summer.

“Sometimes you have to do these things (with a small school) and I do sympathise.”

Parents were also upset, Mr Clarke claimed, that places in the new p6/7 composite class are being held open in case new children move into the area.

He said: “One thing that’s come through – one that we all feel strongly about – is that keeping spots open as a priority for newcomers moving to the area is unfair to other families who are really established with children at the school for years.

“Surely they should get first priority.”

It is understood parents also called for a meeting with teachers to discuss the issue but it failed to take place.

A spokesman for Dumfries and Galloway Council said: “The composition of classes is devolved to headteachers.

“Headteachers follow local authority guidance in relation to this.

“Class structures may consist of composite or single stage.

“Children will be placed in composite classes with consideration given to a number of factors: learning needs, gender. siblings and age.

“There is information available on our website in relation to this - https://www.dumgal.gov.uk/article/16646/School-class-sizes-and-groupings.”