Queen Elizabeth II's Range Rover - complete with royal tweaks - up for sale

One of the most "well covered royal cars" used by Queen Elizabeth II has gone on sale.

The Loire blue Range Rover, complete with ivory leather interior, is looking for a new owner, having been a part of the royal household's fleet in 2016 and 2017.

The car has been photographed numerous times during royal events, including during a state visit by former US President Barack Obama and his wife Michelle in April 2016.

Obama and the former first lady were ushered into the car along with the late monarch and Prince Philip after arriving at Windsor Castle for a private lunch.

In another nod to its royal history, the car has the same number plate as when it was used by Elizabeth II, something that typically doesn't happen, according to car salesman Jack Morgan-Jones.

"Normally, they endeavour to change the registration number when a car has been in royal service, but in this case the reg will stay the same, so there is no doubt in anyone's mind that this was the car used by the Queen," Mr Morgan-Jones of Bramley Motor Cars, who listed the vehicle, told Sky News.

"It's a lovely thing. It's one of the most well covered royal cars that was in a royal fleet, including the Obama state visit."

Having been made specifically for royal use, the car also comes equipped with covert lighting, specially adapted fixed steps and police emergency lighting, as well as a modification ordered by Elizabeth II to make the car more easily accessible.

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"One of the telltale signs it was a royal service car was that the Queen had additional grab handles put into the rear to make it easier to get in and out," Mr Morgan-Jones said.

"These would be mounted on a sort of frame between the driver's window and the rear passenger window, so there's an additional handle in there.

"When cars are decommissioned from royal service, this stuff is usually removed to try and get rid of any telltale signs that it was used by the Queen or whoever in a royal household, but we actually hadn't realised that the grab handles had been left in the boot of the car underneath the spare wheel.

"If you wanted to, you could put them back in."

When asked of its history, Mr Morgan-Jones said the car has previously been sold twice before, first to an old client of the car dealers who had it as part of a collection and then to a "local chap who just loved the history behind it".

"He (the current owner) thought it was probably time to see if someone else wants to enjoy it," Mr Morgan-Jones said.

As for the price, the car has been listed for £224,850.

"Some people think it's going to be the same price as the standard Range Rover," Mr Morgan-Jones said, adding: "Obviously this is not the case.

"The last time this car was sold by us, the Queen was still alive. This will be the first time it will be sold where she is no longer around any more, so there is a premium to pay for it.

"Anyone can go and buy a new Ferrari, but not everyone can go and buy the Queen's car."