RAF Cranwell to almost treble capacity as plans submitted for eight new buildings

RAF Cranwell was the world's first Air Academy
-Credit: (Image: D.R.Dawson Photography)

RAF Cranwell is looking to almost treble its bed space capacity with proposals to build new training and accommodation facilities, as well as refurbishing the existing site. An application to North Kesteven District Council focuses on developing and bolstering facilities at RAF College Cranwell, where cohorts of future Royal Air Force members train and develop their skills.

It was the first air academy in the world and served as the site where both His Majesty King Charles III and his son, Prince William, received their RAF wings. Alongside refurbishment works to eight existing buildings on site, the application also seeks the construction of eight new buildings that would provide approximately 1,200 additional bed spaces — 900 for trainees and 300 for staff members.

This will include more car parking spaces and supporting training infrastructure to ensure the additional numbers do not overwhelm the current facilities. It would increase bed spaces at the base from 680 to 1,849, and add 792 more parking spaces, while also making sure that no existing buildings need to be demolished.

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Training centres, gyms, and education hubs would be built alongside single living accommodation for armed forces officers. The cost of this project is not disclosed within council documents and neither are estimated construction or completion dates.

A request for screening opinion on this proposal was submitted to North Kesteven District Council in May, seeking to explore whether or not an environmental impact assessment would be necessary for works to proceed. The council confirmed its decision notice on Monday, June 10, saying an environmental impact assessment would not be necessary in order for the authority to support this development.