'Railcard for the north' calls raised as Greater Manchester mayoral candidates grilled at M.E.N. hustings

Manchester Piccadilly -Credit:Manchester Evening News
Manchester Piccadilly -Credit:Manchester Evening News

Candidates in the Greater Manchester mayoral election faced calls to back a campaign for the creation of a new 'railcard for the north'.

The charity Campaign for Better Transport wants a discount railcard for Greater Manchester and the north to help address what it called 'regional inequalities' and boost the north's economy. It argues travellers in London and the south east have enjoyed a third off off-peak rail travel since 1986 in exchange for a £30 annual railcard, the Network Railcard.

Now the charity is calling for the introduction of a similar 'northern' Network Railcard, saying it would encourage more people to take the train and reduce road congestion.

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At a hustings event held at the Manchester Evening News' offices on Thursday, Mark Morris, a local engagement manager for Campaign for Better Transport, quizzed five of the six mayoral candidates on the issue.

Liberal Democrat candidate Jake Austin said: The state of the trains as they are at the moment, it's not great. We do need to do more about it. Yes, I agree with you on a north pass."

Dan Barker, from Reform UK, said in terms of transport, it was 'like night and day' between the north and the south.

"We are the poor relations, there is no doubt about that," he said. "As I mayor, I would certainly lobby for more investment, whether there will be any money left in the next few years, I don't know."

Manchester Piccadilly -Credit:Manchester Evening News
Manchester Piccadilly -Credit:Manchester Evening News

Andy Burnham, meanwhile, confirmed the announcement of a new half-price monthly Bee Network pass.

"We're going to bring in a simpler, flatter fare structure for the Bee Network in January next year, when it's all introduced," he told a gathered audience. It will all be under our control then, bus and tram together. A monthly bus pass will be £80 - but we are going to make that £40 for 18-21 year-olds."

Rail performance, Mr Burnham added, has improved marginally in Greater Manchester. He's previously called for both Avanti West Coast and TransPennine Express to be stripped of their franchises.

"The plan is to bring eight rail lines into the Bee Network by the end of the next mayoral term, similar to what they have in London with the Overground," said sitting Greater Manchester mayor Mr Burnham. "Then those rail lines would all be under the Bee Network cap, so not quite the card you are calling for, but still rail as part of a tap-in and tap-out system.

"That's the big vision. I have got the rail industry to agree to that timetable so it is not an idle commitment."

The candidates were quizzed at an M.E.N. hustings -Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News
The candidates were quizzed at an M.E.N. hustings -Credit:Sean Hansford | Manchester Evening News

Laura Evans, the Conservative Party candidate, said the older person's travel card should run throughout a whole day. "We have got to get people travelling, which is why I have suggested a veterans travel card. We must integrate if we want to grow.

"We must be able to get to Leeds and Liverpool. We must do the Northern Powerhouse Rail.

"It doesn't need to be carried by Government all the time, because there are private partnerships that will work. Canary Wharf was done by a public/private partnership."

Green Party candidate Hannah Spencer said it was the party's national policy to bring railways back into public control. She called for integrated ticketing on rail and said a trial of carrying bikes on Metrolink trams had been 'too slow' to be launched.

Tickets on sale at Victoria -Credit:Getty Images
Tickets on sale at Victoria -Credit:Getty Images

Michael Solomon Williams, from charity Campaign for Better Transport, said: "The Network Railcard has been a huge success reducing the cost of travel for passengers and bringing much needed revenue to the railways. We think it’s high time the rail fare north-south divide was closed with rail passengers in the north of England given access to the same discounts as their southern counterparts to help boost northern economies and tackle road congestion by making rail travel more affordable."

The idea of a 'Northern Network Railcard' has also been supported by former transport secretary and current chair of Transport for the North, Patrick McLoughlin.

He said: "A Northern Network Railcard would contribute to rebalancing the UK economy, finally offering travellers in the North of England a benefit that the South East has enjoyed for almost 40 years.

"Cheaper off-peak rail tickets would also help to reduce carbon emissions from transport in our region, where almost 70 per cent of car emissions come from non-employment related travel."

Campaign for Better Transport said the Network Railcard was administered by the Rail Delivery Group (RDG) and involves the cooperation of 18 Train Operating Companies (TOCs), but nothing comparable to it exists in the north.