Rangers fans slapdown Celtic transfer gurus as Hotline explodes over Clinton Nsiala barbs

Clinton Nsiala of AC Milan
-Credit: (Image: AC Milan via Getty Images)

Two loan voices of sense amidst a cloud of Hotline hot air - but will an appeal for national unity cut through the Old Firm bickering? Don’t bet on it!

Caller Jim Docherty felt compelled to ring in and call on the squabbling Celts and brassed off Bluenoses to give it a rest while Steve Clarke and his side focus on getting Scotland off to a Euros flyer on Friday night. He asked: "Is it too much to ask that we should be cheering on Scotland right now? Let’s not get our knickers in a twist until after the first Old Firm match. After that you can all start throwing abuse at one another. Nae wonder the world sees us as bampots. C'mon the Scots!"

William Hutchison, Aberdeen, was in patriotic mood too, saying: ”Go on Scotland do your best and make us proud — and shut up the negativity from other people who haven't given us a chance! A draw at least against Germany and wins over Switzerland and Hungary should do the job! Go Scotland!”

But regular caller Gary Stevenson, Newtonhill, couldn’t resist a pop at Clarke’s Celtic contingent as he said: “I really think that Scotland have the easiest group at the Euros. If we can hit form we have a real chance of progressing.

“However, I have to question Clarke and his selections. Picking everyone who has worn green and white hoops won't cut it. Tony Ralston and James Forrest would struggle to get a game for Gibraltar.”

And once again, we find ourselves caught in the middle of an Old Firm slanging match. Sean McGarvey, Cumbernauld, was next in to aim a jab: “Can you please tell the Rangers Hotliners to wind their necks in? Worst Champions League team ever. Official.

“Shouting about Celtic as usual with their noses pressed against the glass as we dine at the top table again. Also, Celtic have reached two European Cup finals and I don’t mean the Mickey Mouse one. Honestly just have some self awareness Rangers fans, you’re embarrassing yourselves again.”

Gordon Ashley, Ayr, said: “It's sad to see the mediocrity Rangers fans have settled for on the Hotline. Bragging about runs in lesser European competitions to deflect from the fact Celtic are the biggest and most dominant club in the country.”

But Alan Flett said: “So Celtic have won the European Cup but let’s get some perspective. Back in the 60s, 70s and 80s, football was a level playing field and so-called small clubs were winning European trophies on a fairly regular basis.

-Credit:UEFA via Getty Images
-Credit:UEFA via Getty Images

“Also, you only had to play around half a dozen games to lift the old European Cup. With the luck of the draw, you could have an easy passage to the final and that’s exactly what Celtic got.”

Onto more recent matters, George Wilson, West Sussex, said: “With Rangers getting in early by signing new players there was nothing more certain than that Celtic supporters like Jim McLean would be on here telling us the players are rubbish.

“We Rangers supporters don’t know how good Clinton Nsiala and other signings are so these criticisms from the Celtic camp have no basis at all. Just another case of putting Rangers down just for the sake of it. Mr McLean has joined the regulars of Gordon Ashley and Bud Hay with his unsubstantiated anti-Rangers nonsense.”

Andrew Lamb, Fraserburgh, added: “I can't see why anyone takes any notice of Gordon Ashley, as his head is as empty as the Pittodrie trophy room.” Lewis Doyle, Tipperary, said: “Just watched the Irish against Portugal. Celtic should let Mikey Johnston go as he gives the ball away more than he retains it.

“Caoimhin Kelleher simply isn’t worth the £10million Liverpool want for the keeper. Liam Scales is only good enough for Scottish football, he was lost against Cristiano Ronaldo. And at £6m, Adam Idah is way overpriced. If Celtic don't aim higher for quality players they can forget about Europe.”