Rebecca Romijn reveals why she didn't speak out amid #MeToo allegations against 'X-Men' directors Bryan Singer and Brett Ratner

UNIVERSAL CITY, CALIFORNIA - FEBRUARY 11: Actress Rebecca Romijn visits Hallmark Channel's
Rebecca Romijn discusses the legacy of X-Men after directors Bryan Singer and Brett Ratner were involved in #MeToo allegations. (Photo: Paul Archuleta/Getty Images)

Rebecca Romijn says she didn't speak out as #MeToo allegations piled up against X-Men filmmakers Bryan Singer and Brett Ratner because so many others did.

In an interview with The Independent, the actress talked about playing Mystique — and how the film franchise has a tarnished legacy due to the behavior of Singer (who helmed X-Men, X2: X-Men United and X-Men: Days of Future Past) and Ratner (X-Men: The Last Stand).

Singer, 57, has been accused of sexual misconduct by multiple men, many who claim they were targeted while underage, as well as "unprofessional" behavior on the set. Ratner, 54, was accused in 2017 of sexually harassing Olivia Munn and others. Both men have denied the allegations.

"Yeah, I kind of just... I didn’t feel like I needed to say anything. I know the two people that I worked with had it coming, and they got theirs," Romijn said. "I’m not gonna... I don’t need to say anything else."

Romijn said Singer has "had his fair share of stuff," to put it mildly, but he's "a fantastic filmmaker." For her, "You have to decide if you want to try and separate those two things. I know that the other cast confronted him about things," including Alan Cumming and Halle Berry amid an intervention over Singer's alleged painkiller use. "But I was not a part of that. I wasn't there for it, so I can't really speak to it."

What she would say was, "There was drama on set, and I witnessed it and I heard a lot about it. And he sometimes didn’t come in prepared. But he would show up and, without any preparation whatsoever, direct the most awesome scene that he was able to put together because he’s such a good filmmaker."

(top row) Rebecca Romijn-Stamos, Patrick Stewart, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, director Bryan Singer, (bottom row) Hugh Jackman and James Marsden (Photo by Brad Barket/WireImage)
Rebecca Romijn (top left) promoting X-2 with Patrick Stewart, Famke Janssen, Anna Paquin, Bryan Singer, James Marsden and Hugh Jackman in 2003. (Photo: Brad Barket/WireImage)

Romijn said she didn't "want to throw anyone under the bus," but then paused and added, "Except for Brett Ratner," who took over directing the franchise when Singer left.

"I was not happy working with him. But he's been canceled," she said. "I haven't spoken up about anything with regard to #MeToo, because I had two major issues with two directors I've worked with – and both of them already got theirs, one of them being Brett Ratner."

Allegations against Singer

For years, there have been allegations against Singer. In 2019, he was accused by four men of sexual misconduct, including one rape allegation, involving underage boys. That year, he settled a 2017 lawsuit with Cesar Sanchez-Guzman, who alleged the filmmaker sexually assaulted him on a yacht in 2003, while not admitting any wrongdoing. However, he's had claims dating back to 1997 when minor actors on the set of Apt Pupil claimed they filmed a shower scene nude, claiming the scene was for sexual gratification. The case was reportedly settled. In 2014, Singer was accused of drugging and raping actor/model Michael Egan when he was a minor in the late 1990s. A month later, Singer was named in another lawsuit accusing him of sexually assaulting an unnamed British man who was a minor in 2006. Both lawsuits were later withdrawn or dismissed.

FILE - This Dec. 2, 2013 file photo shows Bryan Singer at the Los Angeles premiere of

Singer, who has denied all misconduct allegations against him, hasn't directed since he was replaced making 2018's Bohemian Rhapsody, due to absences and clashes with the cast and crew. However, Singer has been interested in returning to filmmaking. He's reportedly working on a self-financed documentary about himself and "his struggles," which would address the allegations against him.

Meanwhile, many X-Men cast members have publicly addressed reports of his problematic behavior on set, including drug use, being late to the set. mood swings and tantrums. Berry said he was "not the easiest" to work with. "I mean, everybody's heard the stories — I don't have to repeat them." Cumming recalled Berry telling Singer to "kiss my Black a**" after they staged an intervention for the director. Hugh Jackman, who went on to have his own X-Men franchise with Wolverine, said, "There are some stories, you know … I think there are some ways of being on set that would not happen now." Patrick Stewart talked about Singer's need for power. Brian Cox, however, has defended Singer, telling Yahoo Entertainment that Singer was "under a lot of strain" on X-2, calling him "an extraordinary director."

Allegations against Ratner

In October 2017, amid the #MeToo movement, multiple women, including X-Men: Apocalypse actress Munn, accused the director/producer of sexual assault or harassment over decades in Hollywood. Munn said she was bringing food to Ratner's trailer on the set of film 2004 film After the Sunset and he emerged from the bathroom "furiously masturbating." He later claimed in a TV interview that he slept with her, and then retracted his claim. Model and actress Natasha Henstridge claimed Ratner allegedly forced her to perform oral sex on him in the early 1990s when she was 19. Elliot Page later accused Ratner of outing him when he was closeted.

Brett Ratner arrives at the Huading Film Awards at the Ricardo Montalban Theater on Sunday, June 1, 2014, in Hollywood, Calif. (Photo by Dan Steinberg/Invision for Huading Film Awards/AP Images)
Brett Ratner (Photo: Dan Steinberg/Invision for Huading Film Awards/AP Images)

While Ratner denied all allegations, Warner Bros. severed ties with him as well as his production company, RatPac. A film comeback Ratner had in the works about Milli Vanilli was dropped in 2021.