How to recognise mental health problems in children and what to do

Inside Out 2 being in cinemas presents parents with an opportunity to talk to their children about the complexities of feelings, in light of the new host of characters which have been introduced: embarrassment, envy, ennui, and anxiety, according to an expert.

Anxiety, in particular, stands to be a significant addition to the cast and shines a spotlight on the importance of talking about it with children at an early age according to Harriet Finlayson, Mental Health Nurse at Bupa. Anxiety presents itself in a variety of ways and is caused by various situations.

Recent research of 2,000 8-18 year olds found 28% have felt anxious due to a falling out between them and a friend, 22% have felt anxious following a death in the family and similarly 22% say trouble with school lessons have caused them to feel anxious.

Recognise the signs

Anxiety can manifest itself in a variety of forms whether that be heart palpitations, feeling dizzy or nauseous, trouble communicating or connecting with others, or even trouble sleeping. As such it’s important to explain to your child that anxiety can look like different things and feel different too, depending how severe the anxiety is. Try drawing a stick figure and write out how they feel when they’re anxious and where they feel it, this can help get your child to recognise these signs as being a part of stress or anxiety.

Figure out the trigger

Is there something in particular that makes your child feel anxious? This could be a physical place like school or the dentist but could equally be more situation-based like being in a crowd or sitting in an exam. Encourage your child to list what makes them feel anxious no matter how big or small, or get them to sort out different scenarios or locations into what makes them feel anxious and what doesn’t to help get them started.

Think about the opposite

As important as it is to think about what makes your child anxious, it’s equally important to consider what makes them feel safe and calm. This could be a place like their room or even an activity like drawing or building blocks. Try and think together about how being in an anxious situation could be diffused by doing something that makes your child feel calm.

You might want to look into making a ‘self-soothe box’ which is a box you fill with items that make you feel calmer and engage your senses. There are plenty of helpful tips online but some examples of items include fidget toys, photos of happy memories, or even essential oils like lavender or rose which promote relaxation.

Try out different solutions

There’s no one way to solve anxiety and anxious feelings but there are several methods and activities that can help ease it such as using ice. This is a great technique to use when your child starts to experience difficult thoughts and feelings. By holding a couple of ice cubes in their hands, their mind focuses on the sensation of coldness rather than the difficult emotion which is causing the distress.

Incorporating grounding techniques can help young people feel less distressed and somewhat back in control of their emotions. You could also consider breathing techniques, yoga routines, or even colouring books. The aim is to get your child to slow down and focus so try out different things and see what works best. For those with younger children you could also use a comfort kit.

Speak to a professional

It’s worth reaching out to a professional if you’re feeling worried. Not only can they share their expert opinion but they can also suggest techniques and methods which can be helpful for your child going forward. Be that through health care providers like BUPA, the NHS or you can also seek help through charities like Young Minds.