For the record

Jackie Weaver is the chief officer of the Cheshire Association of Local Councils, not a councillor, as she was described in the heading of an interview (Q and A, 19 September, New Review, page 17).

A feature about clifftop hotels said Marsden Grotto in South Shields was created in 1782 when Jack and Jessie Bates used dynamite to make a cave house. While they used explosives, dynamite was not invented until the 1860s. Also, the Cliff Hotel in Cardigan has 76, not 78, rooms (Living the high life, 19 September, Magazine, page 42).

An article about UFOs described Devil’s Den in Arkansas as a national park; it is a state park (’What I saw that night was real’, 12 September, Magazine, page 18).

Malapropism corner: “With the prime minister and his cabinet publicly flaunting their own guidance, it is perhaps little wonder mask wearing has dropped significantly” (No masks and no plan: a perilous winter awaits, 19 September, page 40).

Other recently amended articles include:

TS Eliot wrote The Waste Land, not The Wasteland (“The London that time forgot”, 12 September, New Review, page 41).

To mask or not to mask? Opinion split on London underground

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