Reform UK candidate condemns 'offensive and racist material' circulated to households

Typed annotations on a piece of correspondence purporting to a Reform UK leaflet sent to residents in Billingham, condemned by the Reform UK candidate as false, malicious, offensive and racist
-Credit: (Image: Gareth Lightfoot)

A Reform UK candidate has condemned "offensive and racist material" which was added to copies of a leaflet and posted to householders.

John McDermottroe, who is running for Stockton North, said he would report potential interference in the forthcoming general election after the emergence of the statements, which seem to have been crudely appended to copies of a leaflet. Cleveland Police are looking into it as a "non-crime hate incident".

The correspondence, purporting to be a Reform UK leaflet, carried annotations described by residents as "horrendous", "outrageous" and reminiscent of Enoch Powell's infamous "rivers of blood" speech in 1968. Mr McDermottroe said the added printed material was "false and malicious", "factually incorrect", "clearly nothing to do with me" and a "very amateur attempt to discredit myself, my campaign and the Reform Party".

The mail, seen by the Local Democracy Reporting Service, was an A4 sheet of paper, half taken up with an apparent poor photocopy of a Reform UK leaflet carrying Mr McDermottroe's name, slightly askew on the page with some material cut off at the sides. Underneath this is red lettering which reads: "FURTHE USEFULL [sic] INFORMATION. It is Estimated that at the present level of mass immigration, the White British people will be a minority in their own country by 2035.

"This will have catastrophic consequences for our young people." With nothing to support or attribute this assertion, it then reads, "For more information email Info Reform UK".

This was delivered to residents in the Billingham area. One received it through his door in a brown envelope addressed to "The Occupier" with "IMPORTANT MESSAGE" in red type.

He said of the annotations in red on the paper: "I was horrified. It reminds me of Enoch Powell.

A piece of correspondence purporting to a Reform UK leaflet sent to residents in Billingham, condemned by the Reform UK candidate as false, malicious, offensive and racist
A piece of correspondence purporting to a Reform UK leaflet sent to residents in Billingham, condemned by the Reform UK candidate as false, malicious, offensive and racist -Credit:Gareth Lightfoot

"Apart from being racist it's complete nonsense. What catastrophic consequences?

"It's not a political issue. I'm happy with a multi-cultural society, I'm a teacher and I teach kids from all cultures."

He stressed his comments did not apply to Mr McDermottroe: "I think somebody else has put that on there. If anybody said it, I'd be horrified.

"As these comments were tagged on the end of the official Reform leaflet they are not the official party views.

"I do not believe the candidate could possibly have said such things. What disgusting misrepresentation. I hope he finds out who did it."

'Not acceptable in any form'

One resident said of the additions: "I'm quite horrified by it. It's just stirring negative emotions in people.

"It's wrong at every level. It's outrageous.

"That to me looks to have been added on. It's certainly inflammatory, not acceptable in any form.

"I think there's two separate things going on there. This has been added by somebody else."

Another resident reacted to the appended text: "It's horrendous. It's not worth the paper it's written on. It's also belittling.

'Potential and deliberate interference'

"It's a photocopy. It looks like somebody photocopied that and sent it out with additional (material) on the bottom."

Mr McDermottroe responded: "It is clearly nothing to do with me.

"It is factually incorrect, and deliberately produced to undermine the legitimate concerns of thousands here in Stockton and millions across the country over the level of uncontrolled immigration.

"I do not believe anybody on seeing that would regard it as a legitimate piece of election material and I would urge people to report it to the returning officer, as I shall as potential and deliberate interference in this vital election."

'Non-crime hate incident'

He later added: "This matter is now in the hands of Cleveland Police who are investigating possible electoral interference. It would be wrong of me to speculate on who produced the material. However it's clearly a very amateur attempt to discredit myself, my campaign and the Reform Party."

Asked how "legitimate concerns" over immigration differed from the views expressed in the missive, he said: "I can't really comment on what concerns the perpetrator of this false and malicious material had in mind.

"I concur with all of those thoughts made by residents who have been unfortunate enough to receive such offensive and racist material. Further for total clarity I wholly condemn the statements."

A spokesperson on behalf of the acting returning officer for Stockton Council said: "We’re aware of the leaflet and have referred it to Cleveland Police for investigation." The council cannot take action as any alleged electoral offences are a matter for the police.

A Cleveland Police spokesperson said: "This has been recorded as a non-crime hate incident, and we are making further enquiries around the origin of the amended material."

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