Reintroduction of White-tailed Eagles in Southeast Wales under scrutiny

The survey is open until August <i>(Image: Eagle Reintroduction Wales)</i>
The survey is open until August (Image: Eagle Reintroduction Wales)

Public opinion is being sought on the potential restoration of White-tailed Eagles to Southeast Wales and the Severn Estuary after a 150-year absence.

Eagle Reintroduction Wales (ERW), a project of the Durrell Wildlife Conservation Trust, is spearheading the initiative in collaboration with the Gwent Wildlife Trust.

This study is comprised of an online survey targeted at adults residing in Wales or the broader Severn Estuary area.

The purpose of the review is to gauge the public's attitudes towards these majestic birds and gather insights on their potential return to their native skies.

Dr Sophie-lee Williams, ERW’s Founder and Project Officer who is leading the investigation, said "A key focus of this questionnaire is to capture and understand the current awareness, knowledge and attitudes to White-tailed Eagles and their return to Wales, why opinions vary and whether they differ between communities.

"Taking part will help inform decisions regarding the future return of White-tailed Eagles to Wales."

Apart from the survey, which will remain open till August 2024, discussions with the community are also a vital part of this research project.

The ERW team will conduct a series of public drop-in sessions and workshops with key stakeholders.

These meetings aim to engage with local communities, landowners, and other vested parties, encouraging their involvement and addressing any potential concerns.

The drop-in sessions are planned at four different spots across Southeast Wales and the Severn Estuary.

The details are as follows:

- May 9, 11am-2.30pm at Derek Upton Centre, Magor Marsh.

- May 29, 11am-2.30pm at Melville Centre, Abergavenny.

- June 8, 1pm-4.30pm at Lydney Community Centre, Lydney.

- July 27, 1pm-4.30pm Palmer Community Centre Chepstow.

Updates on the project and dates for stakeholder workshops will be released in the near future.

The ERW encourages all interested or impacted to remain informed and take part in the decision-making process.

You can take the survey in English on], or in Welsh here]