Relay through 50 UK cities to visit Brighton

The climate relay in 2023 <i>(Image: Mike Brogden)</i>
The climate relay in 2023 (Image: Mike Brogden)

A relay which has seen hundreds across the UK take up the baton will be coming to the city.

The Running Out Of Time Climate Relay kicked off in June at Ben Nevis in Scotland and the baton has been carried hundreds of kilometres across the UK.

The baton will reach Brighton at 7.15am on Tuesday and will be carried to the West Pier in the sea by swimming group Salty Seabirds before being run to Cottesmore Primary School, Cardinal Newman and Goldstone Primary in Hove.

It will then make its way to Big Ben for election day and be presented to parliament.

A spokeswoman for Running out of Time campaigners said: “The relay aims to raise awareness, inspire action and celebrate great climate work across the country and is partnering with a wide range of climate campaigns, projects and events, sporting bodies and local councils.

“We are also visiting 50 schools along the route.”