The Repair Shop's Jay Blades quits social media after murder of family member

Jay Blades, the beloved presenter of The Repair Shop, has announced a temporary departure from social media following the tragic murder of his uncle.

Known for his signature flat cap and thick-rimmed glasses, Blades shared a sombre video on Instagram on Monday, April 29, revealing the heartbreaking news that had deeply affected him.

"Hope you're all well. This is kind of like a public service announcement", Jay began in the video, "I've just been to my uncle's funeral, he was murdered a few weeks ago. Really, super nice guy, shouldn't have happened to him, but it really affected me."

He confessed the event had taken a significant toll on his mental health: "I feel a little bit messed up."

In light of these events, Blades emphasised the need to focus on his mental health and assured fans that his break from social platforms would not be permanent.

"So what I'm intending on doing is this... I'm coming off social media for a bit, and I'll be back in a bit. Going to go and get some therapy and just chill out", he said, stressing the necessity of "taking stock" during such difficult times.

Jay concluded: "Please, take care of each other, take care of yourself, and I'll see you guys soon", reports the Mirror.

His 193k followers quickly filled the comment section with messages of support. One wrote, "So sorry to hear this news, Jay. Now take care of YOU. Long as it takes".

Another shared: "Jay, I'm so sorry to hear the tragic news about your uncle. My heart goes out to you and your family".

BBC Breakfast's Louise Minchin sent her condolences, saying: "I'm so sorry to hear this, sending you love."

First Dates' Fred Sirieix showed his support with a red heart emoji, while 5News' Claudia-Liza Vanderpuije advised: "Look after you bro. So sorry for your loss."

Jay has been steering the Repair Shop ship since 2017 and recently kicked off the 13th season of the beloved series on BBC One, welcoming new expert conservator Rebecca Bissonnet to the team. Despite his successful television career, Jay has been candid about his personal battles, including a time when he nearly faced being sectioned due to mental health issues.

Speaking on the Dish podcast, Jay shared that he was considered for mental health measures following a breakdown in 2015. This came after his split from his first wife and the collapse of their charity, Out of the Dark.

"Everything flopped for me. The business, the relationship, everything. It was a charity and we also had a business, and then I was running it with my ex-wife", he reflected, recalling his move from High Wycombe to Wolverhampton that same year.

In a state of confusion, Jay drove himself to a hotel where the concerned staff took steps to assist him. He recounted how he "came back to the room and there was five people waiting for me. There was a psychiatric nurse, I think there was two of them, and then there was another really stern, like major, and then there were two police officers".

Following an extensive interview, Jay received full support from his ex-wife, who was called upon to help him. This experience served as a reminder for him to prioritise his mental health during challenging times.

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