Richard Spencer, alt-right leader and white nationalist, punched in the face twice at Trump inauguration


Richard Spencer, the alt-right leader and white nationalist, was punched in the face twice Friday amid the inauguration festivities in Washington DC.

One of the photographers who captured the 38-year-old getting clocked in the face told Jezebel that the leader will definitely be sore in the morning. “Someone ran up behind him and clocked him in the face. Somebody in a mask. Spencer kept talking. Then it happened again,” the witness explained.

“One of them was in the ear,” he continued, describing the attack on the corner of 14th and K Street at 2:30pm. “He’s gonna have a big face tomorrow. Keep an eye on it.”

Richard Spencer got punched in the face during the protests at Trump's #inauguration

— Gender-Professecs (@MrTrunney) January 20, 2017

Mr Spencer openly leads the so-called alt-right movement that’s been described as a mix between populism, racism, and white nationalism. The group commonly rejects the American ideal that all races, religions, genders, and ethnic minorities should be treated equally under law.

Shortly after the attack, he was apparently rushed to a taxicab by one of his assistants.