BBC election debate verdict: ‘Rishi Sunak is finally sounding like a true blue’

Labour leader Sir Keir Starmer (L) and Prime Minister Rishi Sunak (R) debate on stage during the BBC election TV debate at Nottingham Trent University on June 26, 2024 in Nottingham, England
Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer go head to head in the BBC general election debate - BBC

The BBC general election debate on Wednesday saw Rishi Sunak and Keir Starmer go head to head for the last time before the country goes to the polls.

In our writers’ verdict following the debate, Tim Stanley, Telegraph columnist, argued Rishi Sunak “sounded like an effective Leader of the Opposition”, while Tom Harris, former Labour MP, said “the Prime Minister yet again missed a golden opportunity.”

Telegraph readers were eager to give their verdict. In a snap poll, 79 per cent of over 51,000 readers voted that Rishi Sunak came out on top.

The majority of readers sided firmly with the Prime Minister, who many thought “thrashed” the Labour leader on every issue, so much so that they reconsidered their support for Reform.

“Wow, what a performance by Sunak – he ran rings around Starmer,” reader Gill B. began.

Although they have been “a huge critic of Sunak since he called the election,” they concluded that “Starmer is not PM material and Labour are not fit for government.”

Edna Clouds was a “full bore” Reform supporter – up until the debate. She now believes that “pressure is having a real impact on the Tories.”

“Rishi Sunak was impressive tonight,” Edna said, “He’s finally sounding like a true blue. He’s thrashed Keir Starmer on every single issue.”

Similarly, David B. shared that he has been a loyal Conservative for 40 years and although he considered Reform, “seeing Keir Starmer tonight, I’m voting Conservative. There’s no way this bloke should be running the country.”

Meanwhile, pro-Palestinian protestors outside the venue in Nottingham Trent University could be heard throughout the debate, much to readers’ dismay who thought it was “hindering the discussion meant to progress the democratic process.”

Bob Davis wrote: “This was clearly the wrong venue, the protesters outside are intimidating the democratic process.

“Who in their right mind would use a university as a venue for a debate? Universities are wastelands for freedom of debate.”

‘How can this man get into No 10?’

Readers branded Sir Keir Starmer the weaker debater of the two, and were particularly disappointed by his responses to questions on immigration and tax.

Reader Cymon Barton Jones thought “Starmer showed himself tonight. Not a single answer to any questions, nothing specific, no details, no plan. How can this man get into No 10?”

And Roscoe P Coltrane said: “Keir Starmer looks incredibly weak on the small boats’ crisis, I thought I saw lips quivering!

“I’ve got no time for Rishi Sunak, but I think he’s undoubtedly the much stronger debater.”

Likewise, Ian Dodd argued: “Keir Starmer has been exposed regarding his lack of migration policy and his tax increases. He says he runs big departments, but he did nothing about grooming gangs.”

Reader A.B. reasoned: “Keir Starmer might just be a fairly quiet, principled man. What these debates illustrate to me, though, is that he doesn’t have the charismatic aura to lead and command loyalty. Factions with big characters will go after him... he’ll be overpowered.”

“As a Labour supporter, thank goodness Keir Starmer didn’t do any more of these [debates],” Ed Jones said, adding: “It’s not his strength at all. Strange really, because as a lawyer you would think he could fight his corner better. Rishi Sunak is all over him.”

‘Rishi Sunak was incessantly talking over everyone’

Some readers criticised Rishi Sunak for repeating himself and talking over Sir Keir and the BBC’s moderator Mishal Husain during the debate.

Paul Hassall suggested: “Sunak is like a parrot churning the same old rubbish every time. He just shouts people down!”

In a similar vein, Richard Evans thought “Rishi Sunak was incessantly talking over everyone.” Mishal Hussain “just let him speak uninterrupted over Keir Starmer. No dignity, no manners.”

And L.C. Gills believed Rishi Sunak was “all words and no action, same as always.”

However, W.H. countered: “Rishi Sunak gives the impression of a man who has a clear view going forward. Keir Starmer, on the other hand, is in too many minority groups – he will always be pulled in a million directions and will never have clear convictions.”