Romesh Ranganathan was a tipsy teacher on school trip

Romesh Ranganathan  panicked about getting accidentally drunk on a trip to Rome with his students credit:Bang Showbiz
Romesh Ranganathan panicked about getting accidentally drunk on a trip to Rome with his students credit:Bang Showbiz

Romesh Ranganathan had a paranoia attack when he was chaperoning on a school trip to Rome after he got "tipsy" over dinner.

The 45-year-old comedian worked as a mathematics teacher at Hazelwick School in Crawley, West Sussex - the comprehensive where he studied - before making it as a stand-up and television star.

Romesh has recalled one overseas excursion to the Italian capital with his sixth form students during which he gulped down too many glasses of wine over a pizza and suddenly panicked that he was drunk and in charge of a group of teenagers abroad.

During an appearance on Giovanna Fletcher's Disney podcast ‘Journey to the Magic’, he said: "I remember one night, we were in Rome at a pizza place and we are having a nice time and it was towards the end of the trip everyone's getting a bit relaxed... and I became conscious that I drank too much wine.

"I wasn't battered but I was tipsy but then I remember that I'm staff on a school trip and we were walking around Rome and kids were talking to me and you know when you overcompensate."

Romesh found himself becoming an exaggerated persona of his teaching manner in an attempt to hide his slight drunkenness from his pupils.

He added: “I just start being needlessly wordy and say like, 'Well that is a very interesting question, yes! Maybe we should look and try and find the answer together! Erm Mr Hopkins! Mr Hopkins! Stephen has a very interesting inquiry vis-a the architecture of this particular part of Rome!’

“It was just really bad, so paranoid.”

Giovanna, 38, then asked: "How did it feel when you woke up the next day?"

Romesh replied: "The fear... The fear was unreal."

‘The Weakest Link’ host also spilled how his wife Leesa was driven to consider divorce during an “incredible” holiday in Disneyland Paris with their sons, Alex, Charlie, and Theo because of his indecision when designing his own lightsaber as a committed 'Star Wars' "geek".

Romesh said: "The biggest thing for me to be honest with you, the thing that I will take away with me from that trip ... Like we had an incredible time, all the rides were great, wandering around and also for a 'Star Wars' geek, there's this bit that you can go into and design and put together your own lightsaber.

"But I nearly got divorced that day. Because me and the kids... we spent so long trying to figure out what we want. Just like... what colour should we go for? What type of handle should we go for? Oh I like of like the weight of this one I feel like if we got into... I felt like my wife was sort of looking at me going, 'You've got about 20 minutes left of me still being attracted to you!'"

A new episode from the six-part Walt Disney Travel Company’s 'Journey to the Magic’ podcast is released every Wednesday and are available wherever you listen to your podcasts as well as to watch on the Disney UK YouTube channel.