Rosie Morrell - Independent candidate: Why should you vote for me in South Dorset?

Rosie Morrell, Independent Parliamentary candidate for South Dorset <i>(Image: Everyone is God)</i>
Rosie Morrell, Independent Parliamentary candidate for South Dorset (Image: Everyone is God)

Ahead of the general election on Thursday, July 4, the candidates for South and West Dorset have spoken to The Echo about why they should get your vote.

Rosie Morrell, Independent parliamentary candidate for South Dorset:

"I am the co-founder of Everyone is God, a radical political party which seeks to solve all problems at their root.

"If elected I will be the first sex worker to enter British Parliament.

"Bringing this consciousness into government will be a paradigm shift, where the whole demographic of people is represented, and which includes those with undervalued jobs in our society.

"I grew up in poverty, but I have reached a place where I feel empowered enough to run for a seat and represent the South Dorset consistency.

"I am passionate about South Dorset, Britain as a whole, and giving people a sense of pride and belief in themselves and the government.

"If elected I want to be one of the first MP’s to have my bank accounts visible to the public (if this is possible), to bring about trust in the government."