Russia says it is 'ready to assist' to resolve the war in Sudan

Russia has announced it is prepared to act as a possible mediator in the war in Sudan.

Speaking on the sidelines of the 'Russia - Islamic World: KazanForum', in Russia's southwestern city of Kazan, Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov said Moscow is ready to provide warring parties with a platform for negotiations.

"They must sort out their own problems, and we are ready to assist in this since we have long-standing ties," Bogdanov declared.

"Agreements on a ceasefire are being violated. We empathise, and we are in touch with our ambassador in Khartoum," he added.

After more than a month of fighting between the Sudanese army and the Rapid Support Forces paramilitary group, the UN says the country needs €2.7 billion euros in emergency aid.

Around 1,000 people have been killed since the conflict began in April this year, and one million others have been displaced.