Rwanda's Kagame reacts to recent comments by exiled opponent Rusesabagina

As part of an exclusive interview with FRANCE 24, Rwandan President Paul Kagame reacted to recent comments by exiled opponent Paul Rusesabagina, who was depicted in the film "Hotel Rwanda" for his heroic role in saving lives during the 1994 genocide in Rwanda.

Arrested in Kigali in 2020, Paul Rusesabagina was sentenced a year later to 25 years in prison for terrorism. In March 2023, under pressure from the US administration, his sentence was commuted by the Rwandan regime.

In exchange, Paul Rusesabagina undertook to refrain from speaking about Rwanda. A few weeks ago, he resumed speaking out – notably on FRANCE 24 – to denounce Kagame's dictatorship.

Read moreRwanda 'ready to fight' with DR Congo if necessary, President Paul Kagame says

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Rwanda 'ready to fight' with DR Congo if necessary, President Paul Kagame says
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