Salford named ‘brunch capital’ of England

The brunch classic avocado on toast at Inner West in Salford
The brunch classic avocado on toast at Inner West in Salford -Credit:Manchester Evening News

It’s no secret that Manchester is home to some of the best brunch spots around but Salford has pipped it to the post and been named the ‘brunch capital’ of England.

New research by the restaurant chain The Cut & Craft has found that searches for brunch in Salford has skyrocketed in recent years and crowned the city the ‘brunch capital’.

The Cut & Craft, which is due to open a restaurant and cocktail bar in Manchester later this year, has revealed that Google analytical keyword data shows searches for the meal that combines breakfast and lunch have shot up to 243 per cent in Salford from 2021 to 2023.

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More than 3,000 restaurant reviews from Salford on TripAdvisor were also analysed by The Cut & Craft. The findings revealed that there has been a huge 922 per cent rise of brunch mentions in reviews from 2021 to 2023 in the city.

In terms of growth, Salford came second in the UK rankings overall with Bangor in Northern Ireland scoping the top spot with a 250 per cent increase in searches for brunch.

Albert's Worsley in Salford
Albert's Worsley in Salford -Credit:Manchester Evening News

Out of the cities analysed in the North West, Chester came second with a 143 per cent increase in searches for brunch from 2021 to 2023, placing it fifth in the UK overall.

Manchester came in third showing 132 per cent, followed by Liverpool with 86 per cent, Lancaster with 56 per cent and Preston with 55 per cent.

Inner West in Salford
Inner West in Salford -Credit:Manchester Evening News

Oscar Akgul, the managing director of The Cut & Craft, said: “It is absolutely incredible to see these amazing rises in searches for brunch across the UK. Brunch is a meal that can be enjoyed by anyone whether that is in the late morning with your family or a bottomless brunch with your friends.

“Not only is it fantastic to see a wide range of UK cities have such a high increase in searches for brunch, but it also shows that this meal trend is not slowing down anytime soon.”