Sam Thompson to visit Alzheimer's gran who carries cushion of his face after TikTok plea

Made in Chelsea star Sam Thompson vowed to pop round for a cuppa with a gran with Alzheimer's as she is 'obsessed' with a cushion emblazoned with his face - as he reminds her of her late hubby. The former Made in Chelsea star filmed the sweet clip for Patricia Marsden after her granddaughter Chloe Day issued a plea on TikTok to the 31-year-old.

Chloe gave the cushion to her 77-year-old gran three years ago after discovering she was 'obsessed' with the TV personality who resembles her late husband Colin Marsden in his younger years. Patricia loved the item so much she dubs it 'my man' and Chloe said despite her gran not remembering who she and the rest of the family are, her face lights up when she sees Sam.

Lash and brow technician Chloe said seeing her gran laughing for the first time in years after watching the clip left her and her mum Rhiann Day in tears. It was particularly poignant as the 30-year-old says Patricia, who lives in a care home, has not been the same since losing her husband to a brain tumour in lockdown.

Heart-warming footage shows the moment Patricia, while clutching the cushion, receives the video message from the podcaster, laughing and repeatedly declaring 'I love you' in reply. The TikTok clip of Chloe's plea went viral, racking up almost one million views.

Chloe, from Buckshaw, Lancashire, said: "I've not seen my grandma's face like that since my grandad was alive. So watching that, me and my mum and the carers in the room were just in tears. Even though she has Alzheimer's, it took her back to when she didn't have it. She actually thought that she was on the phone to him. When he was speaking she was trying to answer the questions and speak back to him. It's just overwhelming, it meant the world.

"She was actually laughing and we've not heard that in so, so long. It's so special. After watching it, she was trying to do her hair and put a bit of lipstick on. My mum and I couldn't believe it. I think she's played the video now about 30 times. She just sits there and has conversations with him. Sam wants to come and see her now as well, that's in the pipeline.

"In such a short space of time for this to happen and for him to take his time out to do that is just amazing. He's really been paying attention and understanding what's been going on."

A split screen of Sam Thompson and Patricia Marsden as he sends her a video message
Patricia Marsden listening to 31-year-old Sam Thompson's video message

Chloe said she never understood Patricia's 'extreme attachment' to the cushion until six months ago, recognising he shares many similarities with her late grandad when he was younger. Chloe said: "It's really strange because he's the only name that she remembers.

"When we look back at all the pictures of my grandad he has a few features of my grandad when he was young. It's his hair, his smile and his eyes. My grandma went in her coat and she had cut out from one of the TV guide magazines the smallest picture of Sam that was in that.

"She was carrying that around, but she kept losing it so we thought we'd get her this cushion. Ever since then they've been inseparable. She takes him everywhere, she talks to it. She won't settle without it, it has to come with her. She calls him 'my man'.

"When she got taken into hospital she would show everybody. If the cushion wasn't facing her where she could see him and talk to him she'd get really, really emotional. We really need to take it home and wash it but if we do that she has a melt down. We need to order some more stuff with Sam's face on it."

Chloe explained that despite her grandmother no longer remembering her, Sam Thompson has helped to bring 'comfort' and 'happiness' to Patricia's life. Chloe said: "It definitely brings her some comfort and happiness. My grandma was on a serious decline. You can see it in her eyes, she's just so happy.

"People with Alzheimer's can get quite emotional and aggressive. Sam is really boosting her confidence and her esteem. If that's what makes them happy, accept whatever that is. Don't disagree with them, just go along with it.

"She used to just sit in her room and not speak to anyone. We couldn't get her to eat anything, she ate a cake yesterday with my mum. At first, me and my family knew who Sam was but we didn't really take an interest. Since then we realised he's actually such a lovely person. This is obviously why my grandma's attached because that's what my grandpa was like."

A woman taking a selfie
Chloe Day, 30

Chloe hopes to raise more awareness of Alzheimer's and spread some positivity after being 'overwhelmed' by the amount of support for her gran on social media. Chloe said: "I was really overwhelmed, it was more support than we actually expected.

"I just wanted a little video of Sam saying 'hi' to my grandma. People are sending her gifts and wanting to send her cards. It shows the positivity and the nice side of social media. There were a lot of people in the comments that they know people in their family suffering from Alzheimer's and there's not a lot of awareness about it.

"I think people are invested because when people are seeing other people's grandparents and they've lost theirs, it reminds them of their own."

Sam Thompson has been contacted for comment.