Sanctuary Supported Living nets housing award for services

Judges were impressed by the team <i>(Image: Supported Housing)</i>
Judges were impressed by the team (Image: Supported Housing)

A not-for-profit organisation has landed a housing award for its far-reaching services for those in need.

Worcester-based Sanctuary Supported Living (SSL) has gained recognition for its practices during the Learning Disability and Autism Awards.

The accolade was given to SSL at a grand gala dinner at Birmingham's International Convention Centre on the evening of June 21.

The organisation has a reach of over 650 services spanning the country.

Director of Sanctuary Supported Living, Dave Shaw, said: “This award is not just a recognition of our commitment to supported housing, but a testament to our valued customers.

"Their active participation in decision-making processes ensures that they remain at the heart of what we do while holding us accountable for how our services perform.

"The invaluable feedback we receive from our customers helps us continually improve and adapt, and enables us to deliver high-quality services that promote independence, choice, and inclusion to better meet their needs.”

The panel of judges expressed admiration for SSL’s vision and praised the supported housing provider for its devotion to receiving and acting on genuine feedback.

The organisation's schemes include Communities of Interest, 'Experts by Experience' test visits, resident inspectors and resident panels.

These channels aim to promote a constant loop of feedback and improvement regarding provider performance.

Based in Worcester, Sanctuary Supported Living delivers a broad spectrum of supported housing and customised care services across England.