The sandy Kent bay where 700 people on waiting list for beach huts get fresh hope

A total of 93 beach huts will be erected
-Credit: (Image: Folkestone and Hythe district council)

A visitor hub and nearly a hundred beach huts will be built in Greatstone near Folkestone as part of a new project. The plans, which were resubmitted by Folkestone and Hythe district council, will also include improved water sports facilities

The visitor hub is set to contain will contain a café/concession, teaching space, public (including accessible) toilets, and a Changing Places facility. Showers to support the water sports facilities will also be included.

Permission was granted subject to conditions and a S106 agreement, which would guarantee funding for measures for the life of the development to protect the natural environment and the birds that winter nearby – including signage and wardens.

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Folkestone and Hythe District Council said the project will help to reduce the list of 700 people currently waiting for a beach hut in the area, the BBC reports. A 121-space loose-stone surface car park with disabled spaces and electric car charging points is also included.

The plan includes a new visitor hub
The plan includes a new visitor hub -Credit:Folkestone and Hythe district council

Amendments were made to the application following feedback from statutory consultees, nearby residents and the local planning authority. The planning statement read: “(It’s) a quality form of development… and would provide a more suitable mix of uses adjoining the Romney Marsh coastline.”

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