Scarlett Moffatt called fat by teens during new documentary

Scarlett Moffatt called fat by teens during new documentary credit:Bang Showbiz
Scarlett Moffatt called fat by teens during new documentary credit:Bang Showbiz

Scarlett Moffatt was called "fat" and "Miss Piggy" by teenagers with Tourette's, while filming her new documentary.

The 31-year-old took part in a Channel 4 documentary investigating an increase in cases of sudden onset Tourette’s in youngsters but admitted she needed to develop a thick skin while filming.

She told The Sun's TV Mag: "Sometimes tics are funny - and I did definitely grow a thick skin during the making of the film.

"I got called ‘fat’, ‘Miss Piggy’ and ‘old’ while people were tic-ing, but it's also really serious.

"One guy we met, Ryan, had a huge tic attack - it was like his body wasn’t his own.

"He was banging his head on the floor and it looked like he was in so much pain. We had to call an ambulance.

"I hope by watching, people get more of an understanding about what it’s like to live a day having Tourette's."

Meanwhile, Scarlett previously admitted she spiralled into a "state of depression" after online bullies targeted her about her weight - but insisted now she's able to love her "assets" and is "living her best life".

She wrote: "Our bodies are beautiful no matter what anybody tries to tell us or persuade us to think. Throw your middle finger up to anyone who tells you your too thin, too fat, your stretch marks are ugly, your body isn't the right shape, your boobs are too small, too big, your bums too flat or too fat or you're too fake!

"Don't listen to them. LOVE YOURSELF BECAUSE LIFE IS TOO SHORT. Please young girls and boys, ladies and men, be kind to yourself. Our mental health is everything please have breaks from social media, delete people on social media who make you feel bad about yourself, speak with family and friends, speak to your gp or helplines, just do NOT suffer alone and never feel like your beautiful body is not enough. (sic)"

'Britain’s Tourette’s Mystery: Scarlett Moffatt Investigates' will air on Channel 4 at 10PM on Tuesday, 19 July.