Scotland faces summer of strikes as councils set to offer workers pay rise of just 2%

Strikes are expected over a council pay dispute
Strikes are expected over a council pay dispute -Credit:PA

Scots are facing a "summer of discontent" as councils are poised to offer hundreds of thousands of staff a "risible" two per cent pay rise.

Schools, leisure centres and libraries could shut over an offer that is below the rate of inflation.

Scottish Ministers, who stand accused of cutting council funding to the bone, have been urged to cough up more money to avert industrial action.

STUC General Secretary Roz Foyer said: "Whilst it will be a matter for UNITE, GMB and UNISON to consider, it’s risible if not downright insulting that workers are here, yet again, trying to fight for a decent offer to be put on the table.

"You cannot continue to play politics with people's jobs and livelihoods and not expect workers to take action to defend themselves.”

Council umbrella group COSLA will this week table a formal pay offer for local government workers.

We previously reported some councils had budgeted for a three per cent increase, but it is understood the COSLA recommendation is for two per cent.

A senior town hall insider said the final decision on the offer will be made by council leaders at a crunch meeting on Friday.

He blamed the two per cent offer on Scottish Government pressure on local authority budgets.

The source said: "Councils are facing a financial crisis. We are all making cuts and balancing our budgets with reserves.

“We have only made modest provision for pay as that is all we can afford due to Scottish Government funding cuts and the Council Tax freeze."

With inflation running at 3.2%, a two per cent pay offer would give the local government workforce an effective pay cut.

School support staff, care workers, bin collectors and environmental health staff would all be affected.

Unions told the Record a two per cent rise would not be acceptable.

One senior trade unionist warned of a "summer of discontent" while Foyer said: “A reported 2% offer is still below inflation. Every year, the same as before, COSLA and the Scottish Government treat workers with disdain despite them holding together our threadbare and funding starved public services.

"Whilst the politicians will plead poverty, STUC research has proven that there is wealth in Scotland. It’s time it was put into the hands of those who need it most. It’s time the Scottish Government valued our public service workers and stumped up the cash needed to sustain our services.

“We don’t wish to go through yet another round of industrial action but, as the past two years has shown, workers won’t be shy in fighting and winning for movement when the chips are down.”

The GMB union yesterday announced 97 per cent of their members had voted to move to an industrial action ballot should they not receive a credible pay offer.

Keir Greenaway of the GMB said two per cent would not be close to “credible” and said:

“If an offer of 2% is made, our members will rightly ask why councillors and MSPs accepting a pay rise of more than 6% believe it is fair to offer council workers a third of that?

“The hypocrisy would be staggering if it wasn’t so entirely predictable. If an offer of 2% is made it will be rejected and we will move swiftly to a formal ballot on industrial action.

“Our members have no time to waste on what has become an annual pantomime of buck passing and blame shifting between the councils and the government.

“Workers have been forced to endure it too many times before and, without joint talks right now leading to a fair offer, industrial action will be inevitable.”

A bin strike in 2022 left Scotland’s full of litter overflowing, with Edinburgh derided as an “eyesore”

A walk out last year by striking council workers also closed schools across the country.

The strikes were only called off after the SNP-led Government provided more cash to councils to upp their pay offer.

A Scottish Government spokesperson said:

“Local government pay negotiations are a matter for unions and local authorities as the employers.

“Ministers recognise the crucial role councils and their employees play in communities across Scotland. That’s why, despite UK Government cuts, this year the Scottish Government has made available over £14 billion to local councils – a real-terms increase of 2.5% compared with the previous year.

“The Scottish Government urges all the parties involved to work together constructively to reach an agreement which is fair for the workforce and affordable for employers.”

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