Scottish ‘Supersize’ Coffins Won’t Fit In Crematorium Ovens

Scotland’s obesity problem is now causing issues for crematoriums and graveyards north of the border.

While there are a few extra large ovens in operation, family members have chosen to bury their loved ones rather than travel long distances to an appropriate crematorium, reports the Sunday Times.

As shown above - such coffins cannot be carried to graveside but must be winched into place.

This not that rare an occasion with 27.1% of all Scottish adults declared obese.

A National Association of Funeral Directors spokesperson said: ‘They are all finding that they need to order increasing numbers of larger coffins each year as the number of obese people passing away continues to increase.’

As the BBC reported - nearly £4.6 billion of Scottish government is spent each year tackling obesity with nearly two thirds of the adults overweight.

Those in England better not feel too superior - 62% of English adults are declared overweight.

We may just have a weight problem in the UK.