Sealyham Terrier wins big at the National Dog Show

A Sealyham Terrier named Stache was crowned the winner of the 22nd National Dog Show on Thursday. Photo courtesy of NBC
A Sealyham Terrier named Stache was crowned the winner of the 22nd National Dog Show on Thursday. Photo courtesy of NBC

Nov. 23 (UPI) -- A Sealyham Terrier named Stache was crowned the winner of the 22nd National Dog Show on Thursday.

"It's an exhilarating feeling to win," Stache's handler Margery Good said after the title was announced.

"Stache deals easily with multiple things happening around him. He's so well-balanced and he loves to show. I loved seeing him have his celebratory dinner," Good added, gesturing towards Stache's kibble on a silver-plated platter.

John O'Hurley hosted the National Dog Show Thursday. File Photo by John Angelillo/UPI
John O'Hurley hosted the National Dog Show Thursday. File Photo by John Angelillo/UPI

The event was presented by Purina and the Kennel Club of Philadelphia at the Greater Philadelphia Expo Center in Oaks, Pa.

John O'Hurley and David Frei hosted the show, with Mary Carillo providing commentary.

M, a Chesapeake Bay Retriever from Ohio, earned the Sporting show group title, while Carson, a Great Dane from Georgia, picked up the prize in the Working category.

Yaro, an Azawahk from Florida, scored the highest in the Hound competition; Heathcliff, a German Shepherd from Georgia, won for Herding; and Comet, a Shih Tzu from Ohio, swept the Toy category.

Winston, a 3-year-old French bulldog, won last year's big event.