Before season 3 drops, here's your reminder of what happened in Bridgerton season 2

The countdown is truly on until we are reunited with our favourite members of the ton for season three of our beloved Bridgerton on Netflix. The first part of the new season arrives on 16th May and will focus on the love story between Penelope Featherington and Colin Bridgerton.

But before we dive into the new season, it's been a while since we did a rewatch of season two and so we feel it only appropriate that we take a trip down memory lane and remind ourselves of all the happenings of the ton, fresh for season three.

Here's all the important storylines that took place in Bridgerton season two that you'll need to know about going into season three.

Anthony and Kate got together

Let's start off with the obvious. After a season full of longing glances, pent up sexual frustration and bee stings, Anthony and Kate finally declared their love for each other.

Anthony was of course due to marry Kate's younger sister Edwina, however when it came to their wedding day, Anthony's feelings for Kate revealed themselves when he reached down to pick up her bracelet. While Anthony was happy to fulfil his duty, Edwina refused to marry him.

anthony and kate

But it all worked out in the end. Following a *very* steamy moment in the garden gazebo, Kate runs off into the night on a horse, which ends up bucking her off and Kate hits her head on a rock. Thankfully, Anthony is there to save her and bring her back home.

However, he didn't get the good news he wanted when she wakes up, as Kate reveals she is headed back to India. But not before going to the Featherington ball where the two finally dance together and share their love for each other in front of the ton. Kate's desire to return home to India vanishes, and the couple end the series beyond belief happily married.

Penelope and Eloise's friendship broke down

One of the most important storylines in season two that is expected to carry on in season three is the breakdown of Eloise and Penelope's friendship.

Despite entering society at the beginning of season two, Eloise has no interest in finding a husband, but is desperate to unmask Lady Whistledown. Her search leads her to Penelope's printing shop where she develops a connection with a worker there named Theo.

After spending a lot of time secretly visiting Theo, the Queen is tipped off about Eloise's visits to the printing press and accuses her of being Lady Whistledown and gives her three days to confess.

eloise and theo

Obviously worried for her friend, Penelope confides in Madame Delacroix, who suggests she publishes something scathing about Eloise in order to save her from the Queen's suspicions.

When no one shows up to the Bridgerton's ball after Anthony and Edwina's wedding disaster, they all believe it's because of said wedding disaster. However, it's actually because Lady Whistledown has published a story about Eloise hanging out with political radicals in Bloomsbury. Eloise continues to visit Theo until Penelope tries to spare her friend by telling the servants are gossiping about her, and so she breaks it off with Theo.

At the Featherington ball, Eloise starts putting everything together and confronts Penelope about Lady Whistledown. Penelope admits she is the one writing the ton gossip sheets and Eloise says she wishes to never speak or see Penelope again. Um, how is that going to work out for Penelope and Colin's love story?

The Featheringtons get rich (sort of)

Following the death of their father in season one, season two saw the arrival of their cousin Jack.

As he was the rightful heir to the estate, Mrs Featherington worried he would find a wife and oust them from their home. So she devised a plan to have him marry her daughter Prudence. The pair don't get on and instead Jack develops a connection with Cressida Cowper.

Master schemer Mrs Featherington obviously didn't like this and so she planned for Jack and Prudence to be caught alone together at the ball, and so will therefore have to marry each other.

However, Jack then revealed he is in fact penniless, and needed to marry Cressida in order to maintain a fortune. Oopsy.

featherington family

Later in the season Mrs Featherington and Jack develop a surprising romantic connection and plot to con rich members of the ton out of their fortunes. They devise a plan to ask members of the ton to invest in Jack's mining business in America.

Always one step ahead however, Mrs Featherington double crosses Jack and takes all the money for herself and sends him packing, all while blaming the scheme on him. Honestly, you have to admire the confidence.

Penelope and Colin are still in the friendzone

As we gear up for a season all about Penelope and Colin's love story, what actually happened between them in season two?

Colins returns from travelling the world, and it was revealed Penelope and Colin kept up their friendship by writing to each other. However, Colin is still very much obsessed with Marina Thompson.

He visits her in the countryside where she essentially tells him to grow up and release it's over between them. She also namechecks Penelope as being a person who is always there for him.

colin and penelope and the featheringtons

At the end of the season, it becomes clear how much Colin cares for Penelope when he tells her about Jack's plans of conning the ton at the Featherington ball and they dance together that evening. While this is a step in the next direction, things swiftly go downhill for Penelope when she overhears Colin tell some fellow Lords he would never court her. In fact his savage words are: "Are you mad? I would never dream of courting Penelope Featherington. Not in your wildest fantasies."

Penelope ends the season heartbroken over both Eloise and Colin, while Colin plans to set off gallivanting around Europe.

Ok we are desperate to see how things develop between these two now.

Bridgerton seasons 1 to 2 are available on Netflix now, season 3 is released on 16 May

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