Several Members of the Kennedy Family Formally Endorse Joe Biden

Several Members of the Kennedy Family Formally Endorse Joe Biden

While several of Robert F. Kennedy's children have been signaling their support of Joe Biden for months, yesterday they formally endorsed the president in his campaign for a second term.

At a campaign stop in Philadelphia, Robert F. Kennedy's daughter Kerry Kennedy gave a speech introducing the president.

"Nearly every single grandchild of Joe and Rose Kennedy supports Joe Biden," she said. "That’s right: The Kennedy family endorses Joe Biden for president."

She also clarified: "We want to make crystal clear our feelings that the best way forward for America is to reelect Joe Biden and Kamala Harris for four more years."

Per CNN, in addition to Kerry, Rory Kennedy, Joe Kennedy II, Beth Kennedy, Joe Kennedy III, Christopher Kennedy, Maxwell Taylor Kennedy, Vicki Strauss Kennedy, Kathleen Kennedy Townsend, Kerry Kennedy Meltzer, Max Meltzer, Ted Kennedy Jr., Stephen Kennedy Smith, Peter McKelvy, and Rebeca McKelvy were all in attendance at the event.

Of course, there is at least one grandchild of Joe and Rose Kennedy who does not endorse Biden: Kerry's brother, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is also running for president as an Independent.

"I hear some of my family will be endorsing President Biden today," RFK Jr. wrote on X (formerly Twitter) in a response to the appearance. "I am pleased they are politically active — it’s a family tradition. We are divided in our opinions but united in our love for each other. I hold this as a possibility for America too. Can we disagree without hating our opponents? Can we restore civility and respect to public discourse? I think we can." He also noted that some family members are working on his campaign.

Additionally, today, the Biden campaign released an ad featuring members of the Kennedy family, again sharing their support for the president in his pursuit of a second term. In the video clip, Chris Kennedy even goes so far as to call Biden "the RFK of his generation."

This is hardly the first time Kennedys have spoken out against their relative's presidential ambitions.

When RFK Jr. announced that he was dropping out of the Democratic primary, confirming his plans to run as an Independent, four of his siblings shared a message denouncing his candidacy.

"The decision of our brother Bobby to run as a third party candidate against Joe Biden is dangerous to our country," reads a post shared by Rory last fall. "Bobby might share the same name as our father, but he does not share the same values, vision or judgment. Today’s announcement is deeply saddening for us. We denounce his candidacy and believe it to be perilous for our country." It was only one of a number of statements by members of the Kennedy family denouncing RFK Jr.'s views and his presidential pursuits.

Notably in July 2023, Caroline Kennedy's son Jack Schlossberg also called RFK Jr.'s presidential candidacy an "embarrassment."

"I have no idea why anyone thinks he should be president," Schlossberg said in a video shared to social media. He also accused RFK Jr. of "trading in on Camelot, celebrity, conspiracy theories, and conflict for personal gain and fame," and offered an endorsement of President Biden.

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