Sex and the City's Kristin Davis explains why she doesn't want to get married

kristin davis
AJLT actress Kristin Davis on why she won't marryBravo - Getty Images

And Just Like That actress Kristin Davis says she has no intention of ever getting married.

Davis, who played Charlotte in Sex and the City and its spin off And Just Like That, was a guest on Clea Shearer and Joanna Teplin's Best Friend Energy podcast this week, where she gave her opinion on the differences between Charlotte and herself.

"We have very different lifestyles, you know? I'm not married, I have never been married," she said.

kristin davis
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"It's not my thing. I was never focused on it. It was never a goal, let's say."

Davis, who once "lost sleep" ahead of her Friends cameo, went on to reveal that it "took some acting" to authentically present Charlotte's obsession with marriage.

"I would stress out on those days where I would have a paragraph on a page of all... the rules and the marriage. And oh my God, I would just be like, 'How am I going to do this and make it real and believable?'" she added.

"I'm not really a wedding girl but, you know, Charlotte loved it, so I loved it."

evan handler, kristin davis, and just like that

In other news, Samantha Jones star Kim Cattrall recently addressed her quick cameo in the second season of And Just Like That.

"It's very interesting to get a call from the head of HBO saying, 'What can we do?'" she shared on The View. "And I went, 'Hmmm… let me get creative.'"

She went on to confirm that one of her conditions was for Sex and the City's iconic designer Patricia Field to dress her for the cameo.

"I just thought, if I'm going to come back, I got to come back with that kind of Samantha style," she explained. "I got to push it. And we did."

And Just Like That, the sequel to Sex and the City, airs on Max in the US and Sky Comedy and NOW in the UK.

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