Sex/Life ending explained: Do Billie and Brad get together?

billie and brad, sex life, netflix
Sex/Life finale confirms Brad and Billie's futureNetflix

Sex/Life season 2 spoilers follow

Do Billie and Brad get together: that is the question, isn’t it?

Their palpable burning desire for one another has carried fans through two seasons of Sex/Life that have been packed with several romping detours.

While nothing has been confirmed regarding the show's renewal status, season two is written in a way that brings every character closure. It's the kind of closure that befits a show's finale, but the only futures we're concerned with at this very moment are Billie's (Sarah Shahi) and Brad's (Adam Demos).

Do they actually get themselves together enough to get together as a couple? And will they be spending a lifetime making the beast with two backs with each other?

Sex/Life ending explained

Billie's love life has been one jagged rollercoaster of a ride that repeatedly drops her from great heights straight into untold depths. That’s why we're here, though. (For the thrilling drama, not the sex…)

When the series started out, Billie was tongue-wrestling with Brad, tastebuds to tonsils. Naturally, this euphoria was fleeting.

Moments after sampling what their life together could be like, Billie was winded by Brad's rejection of her — compounded by the news that his new girlfriend, Gigi (Wallis Day), was pregnant.

Billie barely had a chance to process the news when her husband Cooper (Mike Vogel), who knew about her not-so-secret meet-up with her ex-flame, rubbished her idea of marriage counselling and instead insisted on a divorce.

Billie spent the remainder of the series trying to piece herself together after those two shattering brush-offs (more so Brad's), but there was still room for a kinky romance.

sex life season 2

Enter sex-on-a-Ferris-wheel Majid (Darius Homayoun).

The restaurant entrepreneur swept Billie off her feet when he willingly accepted all of her baggage. And by baggage, we're talking about the emotional trauma she's been carting like a wounded mule.

A carefree romance between the two rapidly unfolded, while Brad's relationship with Gigi was moving at hyper speed. Despite pining for Billie, Brad asked Gigi to marry him as a way of pushing past his feelings for his ex and committing to the present.

Meanwhile, Billie tried to bury her true feelings for Brad by embracing Majid and introducing him into her world, including meeting her children. Healthy decisions being made all round!

However, reality hit hard when Billie's mum life and her romp life collided.

Majid struggled to adjust to what it's like to date a woman whose kids come ahead of impulses and passion. And although he made a valiant attempt to connect with Billie's older son Hudson (Phoenix Reich) with Nutella lava cakes and football, things went offside fast.

sex life season 2

While Billie was away at an event, Majid took his eyes off Hudson to deal with a crisis in the restaurant. Hudson inadvertently caused a fire in the kitchen, and Majid's harsh, firm tone afterward spooked the kid.

Hudson ran off, which sparked a manhunt. The frantic search ended with none other than Billie and Brad finding him, because of course Brad was there.

The incident spelt the end of Billie's tryst with Majid, who she'd actually come to love. Majid's proposal of going back to the way things were before — her life split between the kids and him without overlap — wasn't as tempting an offer as he'd romanticised in his head.

As Billie explained it: "If I can't be in a relationship that allows me to be all of who I am, then I'd rather be alone."

So, she's free, single again and whole — with a completed dissertation behind her and her divorce from Cooper all ironed out.

Their divorce had a few hairy moments filled with vile arguments and deep loathing on Cooper's part. It took Cooper's drug-fuelled car wreck for him to admit he’d been struggling with losing Billie, drinking too much and trying to sex his way to healing with random hook-ups.

Now on the other side of it all, he was able to let things go and embrace a new romance with sweater-set Emily (Hannah Galway), whom he then married.

But what about Brad? That's the real question.

Do Billie and Brand end up together?

wallis day, adam demos, sexlife, season 2

When we last checked in with Brad he was loved-up with Gigi. Or, was it Gigi who was loved-up with Brad, who was conspicuously loved-up with Billie, who loved him back but was entangled with Majid?

Gigi had begged Billie to just "let me have him", reminding Billie that she'd had her chance and lost it. Billie may have graciously stepped back, but it wasn’t enough to salvage her relationship with Brad.

Gigi split with the love-torn Brad — only to find happiness with an unnamed character who really wasn't all that important given that Gigi was only relevant by association, a human-sized wedge jammed in between Brad and Billie.

Surprisingly, though, Brad exercised some needless, pointless restraint when it came to reuniting with Billie. He didn't rush into her arms even though they'd been giving dry-humping energy anytime they were within a two-mile radius of each other.

Still, Billie used the time to grow and discovered what new happiness could look like, now strong in her independence from her mismatched blended family.

margaret odette, cleo anthony, sex life, season 2

When the equally and fiercely independent Sasha (Margaret Odette), author of the book Unattached (basically a woman's guide to embracing and succeeding in singlehood) got married, Billie's world was turned upside down. She was elated that her friend had learnt that the true meaning of living by your own rules means exactly that: You get to choose romance just like you get to choose when singleness serves you.

After an emotional speech, Brad arrived and snatched Billie up before anyone or anything else could worm its way between them.

The season came to a close with yet another wedding — this time the one fans have been shipping since the get-go: Brad and Billie.

Billie practically floated down the aisle, and when she reached Brad, she whispered to him that she's pregnant, infusing their happily ever after with even more bliss.

All episode of Sex/Life are available to stream now on Netflix.

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