Sex Robots ‘Will Be Better Lovers Than Human Beings’, Experts Warn

For most of us, the idea of sex robots is faintly alarming - but people will soon choose robots over human sex partners, experts have claimed.

Robots will be programmed to fulfill people’s desires - and that might be difficult to resist, experts have said.

Users might even fall in love with their robot sex partners - or marry them.

Joel Snell, a robotics expert from Kirkwood College in Iowa, ‘Because they would be programmable, sexbots would meet each individual user’s needs.’

'Robotic sex may become addictive. Sexbots would always be available and could never say no, so addictions would be easy to feed.

Dr Helen Driscoll of the University of Sunderland, said that people may actually fall in love with ‘virtual’ sex partners - instead of humans.

Driscoll said, ‘We tend to think about issues such as virtual reality and robotic sex within the context of current norms.

‘But if we think back to the social norms about sex that existed just 100 years ago, it is obvious that they have changed rapidly and radically.

‘As virtual reality becomes more realistic and immersive and is able to mimic and even improve on the experience of sex with a human partner; it is conceivable that some will choose this in preference to sex with a less than perfect human being.’

By the year 2050, sex with robots will be common - and some people may actually fall in love with androids.

David Levy from the University of Maastricht predicted that human-robot marriages would take place by 2050.

Others predict that human-robot relationships will be a little more cold-hearted and mercenary.

In their paper ‘Robots, men and sex tourism’ Ian Yeoman and Michelle Mars of the University of Victoria Management School in Wellington, New Zealand, say that robot prostitutes will be common, but expensive, by 2050.

They imagine Amsterdam brothels offering, ‘a range of sexual gods and goddesses of different ethnicities, body shapes, ages, languages and sexual features.’