Sharon Osbourne reveals she tried to take her life after learning of husband Ozzy's 2016 affair

Sharon Osbourne and husband Ozzy  (PA Archive)
Sharon Osbourne and husband Ozzy (PA Archive)

Sharon Osbourne has revealed she "took an overdose" and locked herself in her bedroom after learning of husband Ozzy’s four-year affair.

The television star and presenter, 71, found out about Ozzy's 2016 infidelity with Michelle Pugh, a hairdresser, after she found evidence on his emails.

Ozzy, 75, and Pugh had a four year relationship between 2012 and 2016. The affair saw him briefly split from Sharon - who he married in 1982.

Speaking on stage with her friend Jane Moore during Osbourne's theatre show Cut The C**p show last week, Sharon said about the period: “He always, always had groupies and I was so used to that.

“But when he knows the name of the person, where they live and where they work... it is a whole different thing as you are emotionally invested. I took, I don’t know how many pills.

“I just thought ‘My kids are older, they are fine and can take care of themselves’. So I took an overdose and locked myself in the bedroom. The maid tried to come in to clean the room and saw me.”

The couple share three children - Aimee, 40, Kelly, 39, and Jack, 38.

In 2016, Sharon confirmed she had split from the Black Sabbath star on her chat show The Talk.

“I'm 63 years of age, and I can't keep living like this,” she said. “I've been avoiding looking at any pictures or reading anything. I know what's going on.

“I don't need to read about or see about it. It's like putting salt in a wound. I don't need to... he's back, and now I'm out of the house.”

Three years later, when they had reconciled, Ozzy described Sharon as a “god” for taking him back.

In an interview with The Sun newspaper, he said: “Sharon and I have never been as close as we are now. It's great. Sharon has been a god.

“We all make mistakes. I'm lucky she took me back. Sometimes I sit there and go, 'What the f*** was I thinking?' I won't understand why it happened until the day I die.”

Sharon has claimed in the past that she had been aware of several other women Ozzy had cheated on her with.

Speaking to the Telegraph in 2017, she said: “There were six of them: some Russian teenager, then a masseuse in England, our masseuse out here, and then our cook.

“He had women in different countries. Basically, if you're a woman giving Ozzy either a back rub or a trolley of food, God help you.”

Pugh was thrust into the spotlight when her affair with Ozzy became public knowledge. She said at the time: “When I say he gave me the greatest love of my life, I mean it.”

Osbourne said the affair was purely physical and was a result of his sex addiction, which he claimed to receive treatment for at the time.

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