'Has she cancelled HS2 yet?' - Martin Tett hits out at the Lib Dems on social media

Martin Tett (left) has slammed Sarah Green's (right) party, the Lib Dems, on HS2 <i>(Image: NA)</i>
Martin Tett (left) has slammed Sarah Green's (right) party, the Lib Dems, on HS2 (Image: NA)

The leader of Buckinghamshire Council has questioned what the Liberal Democrats have done for Chesham and Amersham since being elected to represent the constituency three years ago.

Conservative Martin Tett took to X [formerly known as Twitter], and posted a tweet at Liberal Democrat Candidate for Mid Buckinghamshire, Anja Schaefer, after the latter stated that those in the area ‘really like what Sarah Green has done’ since 2021 and that they ‘want a Lib Dem MP’.

Green became the constituency’s MP following the death of Dame Cheryl Gillan three years ago, triggering a by-election.

The marketing specialist won her seat with 21,517 votes, beating Tory hopeful Peter Fleet, who managed to gain only 13,489 votes.

Martin Tett is the leader of Buckinghamshire Council (Image: NQ)

The result was unique as it gave Chesham and Amersham their first non-Conservative MP.

Also, the final standings showed that the Green Party finished third, whilst Labour were fourth.

Taking to X, Schafer said: “Strong support in Hyde Heath.

“People really like what Sarah Green has done for them since 2021 and want a Lib Dem MP for Mid Bucks.

Tett responded with: “Please remind me, what say, three things the Lib Dem candidate has DELIVERED for Chesham and Amersham?

“Has she cancelled HS2 yet?”

These is  in relation to what Green said in 2021 ahead of the Chesham and Amersham by-election regarding HS2.

The ongoing transportation project, which is set to be complete between 2029 and 2033, has been a major topic of discussion for residents in South Buckinghamshire due to its construction.

Roads have been blocked off, new roads have been built, trees have been knocked down with  hundreds of millions of pounds being spent.

Speaking several days before the by-election in 2021, Green said: “For me, HS2 is a big no.

“If elected, I will be a thorn in the side of this government and HS2 contractor.

“There are genuine fears that tunnelling could damage the chalk streams, which provide drinking water to thousands of local people.

Sarah Green has been Chesham and Amersham's MP since 2021 (Image: NA)

“I'm calling on these works to be halted, so that concerns about the water supply can be properly addressed.

"Sadly, during this Parliament MPs will not have a vote on HS2, however there will be a chance to reject the government's new planning laws which would see more unwanted destruction to our countryside.”

Whilst Green has not been able to stop the construction of the project, many were quick to defend the MP.

One person said: “Helping 15,000 requests for help, advice and information, including casework from food bank referrals to taking cases to government minister.

Many people have protested against HS2 since construction began in 2017 (Image: NQ)

“So, for an opposition MP Sarah has achieved quite a lot.”

Another added: “Seems to be a very good local MP I know lots of people and businesses she’s helped with serious problems - often when the system has failed.”

This person said: “And why would she have the power to cancel HS2?”

The General Election will take place on July 4.