What ships are in the bay today?

What ships are in the bay today? <i>(Image: NQ, inset: Peter Harriman)</i>
What ships are in the bay today? (Image: NQ, inset: Peter Harriman)

If you look out across the Weymouth and Portland bay today you may be able to spot several large and interesting looking ships.

We have put together some information about the interesting, unusual and large ships that you can see. This is the first of a regular feature looking at ships in the bay.

(Image: Vessel Finder)

The bay:

Tai An Kou

This blue and white ship is a heavy load carrier that sails under a Chinese flag.

This semi-submersible vessel is operated by COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers and was built in 2002 in Guangzhou, China.

Hua Sheng Long

Another heavy load carrier in the bay. This red and white ship also sails under a Chinese flag.

This is another semi-submersible built in Guangzhou in 2018. It is also operated by COSCO Shipping Specialized Carriers.

Portland Port:

RFA Tidespring

This Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship is predominantly deployed on replenishment at sea operations. These involve refuelling Royal Navy ships while they are on operations, delivering vital supplies, and transporting specialist personnel, including Royal Marines Commandos.

It also undertakes a range of other maritime operations, including policing shipping lanes and providing humanitarian aid. It has the capacity for a large Chinook helicopter on the flight deck, making it more versatile than previous tankers.

The ship can carry up to 19,000 cubic metres of fuel and 1,300 cubic meters of fresh water.

Read more: The Royal Fleet Auxiliary's newest ship Tidespring called into Portland Port 2017

RFA Proteus

This Royal Fleet Auxiliary ship primarily acts as a platform for remotely operated underwater vehicles, as well as being a testbed for new specialist capabilities, required for monitoring waters important to UK interests.

RFA Proteus was acquired by the Ministry of Defence in February 2023 for £70 million, with the official title of ‘multi-role ocean surveillance ship.’

The ship has a 7.2m2 opening moon pool which allows underwater vehicles to enter into or leave the water easily within a protected environment.

Read more: £70 million ship stops off by Dorset coast

The RFA Proteus (Image: Peter Harriman)

CS Sovereign

Launched in 1991 having been built by Van der Giessen de Noord, this ship is a multi-role vessel used in cable installation and maintenance.

This vessel is under the UK flag and is owned by Global Marine Systems.


Built-in 1995 and sailing under the Finland flag, this is a general cargo ship built by Niestern Sander in the Netherlands. It is owned by RABN.