Shop shut over illegal vape sales told it can reopen this summer

A city shop shut down over illegal vape sales will be permitted to reopen later this summer.

As part of a crackdown by Liverpool Council and Merseyside Police, a series of locations were closed after more than £10,000 worth of illegal vapes and cigarettes were seized in a targeted operation. A further two stores in Old Swan and Tuebrook were also shut down owing to the sale of prohibited goods.

Now court documents made public have indicated when Daily Mini Market on West Derby Road could be permitted to trade again.

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The shop was shut down as part of work done through Operation Delilah, a multi-partner operation within a wider national campaign. The closure of the two stores and significant seizures are part of the local authority’s ongoing work to crack down on the illicit trades.

Earlier this month, seizures were made from four locations worth more than £9,000 including fake tech and illicit cigarettes. Among the haul were a large quantity of fake earphones and game console devices. Knives, a hammer and a crossbow bolt were also recovered as part of a crackdown on organised crime in north Liverpool.

The vapes are recycled by a Manchester based contractor that has been authorised by Trading Standards North West to safely dispose of the items. To date, illegal vapes totalling more than £200,000 have been accounted for this year with a total of 15 stores shut down as part of the work.

Documents issued following a hearing at Sefton Magistrates Court on June 18, revealed Liverpool Council had initially sought to shut the shop for a period of three months. This was reduced to two months by magistrates who also imposed costs against the business of £2,500 which must be paid by November.

Under the terms of the court judgement, the business must remain closed until August 18. Any person who without reasonable excuse remains on or enters the premises is in contravention of the order and would have committed an offence.

This could lead to a prison sentence not exceeding six months and a potential fine. The most recent store that has been closed down is King Vape on Prescot Road, which was shut down two weeks ago.

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